幻樱 发表于 2012-12-19 21:39:12

【12/13赛季西甲第17轮】马德里竞技 1:0塞尔塔

本帖最后由 风中的风之子 于 2012-12-22 23:00 编辑


幻樱 发表于 2012-12-19 21:40:07


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-19 21:42:24

本帖最后由 风中的风之子 于 2012-12-27 00:43 编辑



比赛时间:2012-12-22 星期六 05:00




马德里竞技:库尔图瓦;胡安弗兰 米兰达 戈丁 迪亚斯;加比 马里奥-苏亚雷斯;阔克 阿尔达-图兰;迭戈-科斯塔 法尔考。
塞尔塔:哈维-巴拉斯;乌戈-马略 图内斯 卡布拉尔 拉戈;博尔哈-奥比纳 阿莱克斯-洛佩斯;奥古斯托-费尔南德斯 贝尔梅霍 克隆-德利;阿斯帕斯。

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-21 01:16:54


Simeone: "Alegre por llevar un año en un club que quiero"

El técnico del conjunto rojiblanco compareció por última vez del año ante los medios y expresó ánimos y apoyo a Tito Vilanova.

Diego Pablo Simeone, entrenador argentino del Atlético de Madrid, compareció por última vez ante los medios de comunicación en 2012, puesto que después edl partido ante el Celta, será el 'Mono' Burgos quien atienda a los medios debido a que Simeone tomará un vuelo rumbo a Argentina. Aseguró, en vísperas de jugar el último partido oficial de 2012 ante el Celta de Vigo, que siente "una gran alegría" por llevar un año como técnico en un club al que quiere.

"Ante todo siento una gran alegría por llevar un año en el club al cual quiero y en el que me he encontrado con un grupo que ha mostrado compromiso, pertenencia y transmite lo que queremos de un equipo que es sobre todo eso, ser un equipo para conseguir cosas lindas", confesó en rueda de prensa Simeone.

Deseó una pronta curación de un tumor en la glándula parótida al técnico del Barcelona, Tito Vilanova, y declaró que éste tiene un "apoyo absoluto" por su parte. "Decirle lo que lo sentimos toda la gente del fútbol. Mi apoyo absoluto, energía y fuerza para un tipo valiente que ha pasado por esta situación. Toda la energía de la gente que le rodea está con él para que salga bien", confesó Simeone, en la rueda de prensa previa al partido que mañana les enfrentará con el Celta de Vigo.

"Estamos en mitad de este campeonato y queremos seguir en la línea. Siento una alegría enorme porque cuando llegamos la situación no estaba fácil y los jugadores hicieron un gran esfuerzo para poder ser competitivos", comentó.

"Lo más difícil es mantener la estabilidad. Cuando se hace un esfuerzo tan grande de parte del club y los jugadores hay que tener la capacidad para mantener la estabilidad que se necesita para seguir mejorando. Nuestro objetivo es ser competitivos en todo", señaló.

"Me guío del día a día, que es lo que me marca que el equipo está bien. Me encantaría encontrar la estabilidad, algo que no es fácil, y eso hay que sostenerla. Dependerá de nosotros mantener la tranquilidad", apuntó Simeone, que afirmó que "no hay nada que comentar" acerca de su posible renovación del contrato que tiene hasta junio de 2013.

El técnico argentino habló sobre el Celta de Vigo, rival al que se enfrenta mañana, viernes, en el estadio Vicente Calderón y del que reconoció que le gusta su juego.

"El Celta juega bien y nos gusta. Tiene buenas variantes ofensivas, con buena dinámica de mitad en adelante de campo, con Iago Aspas como jugador desequilibrante. Tiene un juego directo muy bueno fuera de casa y habrá que estar atentos y controlar en mitad del campo", señaló.

Finalmente, Simeone dio su punto de vista acerca de los rumores que sitúan al defensa argentino Daniel ''Cata'' Díaz fuera del Atlético en el mercado de invierno. "Lo leí en el periódico. Es normal que los buenos jugadores tengan ofertas y para nosotros es importante en el grupo. Más allá de que haya participado poco en Liga y haya jugado todo en Liga Europa, es un jugador importante", concluyó Simeone.

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-21 01:21:51



幻樱 发表于 2012-12-21 21:17:38


【C罗德里格斯回归,明晨5点西甲第17轮马竞主场迎战塞尔塔大名单】门将:1阿森霍 13库尔图瓦;后卫:2戈丁 15西斯马 18卡塔·迪亚斯 20胡安弗兰 23米兰达;中场:4马里奥·苏亚雷斯 5蒂亚戈 6Koke 8劳尔·加西亚 10阿尔达图兰 11C·罗德里格斯 14加比 21埃姆雷;前锋:7阿德里安 9法尔考 19迭戈科斯塔

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-24 01:20:34



教练在终场哨吹响后跑路的速度是亮点:lol(建议@幻樱 下了)

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:00:57


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:03:37




主队(马竞):库尔图瓦/西斯马(76' 劳尔-加西亚),戈丁,米兰达,胡安弗兰/图兰,蒂亚戈,加比(59' 罗德里格斯),科克/迭戈-科斯塔(72' 阿德里安),法尔考
客队(塞尔塔):巴拉斯/洛伦斯,图涅斯,卡布拉尔,马略/奥维尼亚,克隆德利,Insa(75' 比拉),费尔南德斯(85' 德卢卡斯)/桑切斯(65' 贝尔梅霍),阿斯帕斯

数据名称        马竞        塞尔塔
控球率        55%        45%
射门        12        4
射正        3        0
越位        5        0
角球        6        4
犯规        13        12
黄牌        2        4
红牌        1        0
扑救        0        2

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:29:55


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:31:09

17场40分是马竞历史上这个阶段的最佳成绩。即便对比95/96的双冠赛季,西蒙尼的球队在17场比赛后比当时甚至还多1分。其中主场是马竞本赛季的取分重点,他们在联赛的9个主场取得全胜,位列主场积分榜第一名。如果继续这样的取分率,马竞在赛季结束时有望拿到89分 http://t.cn/zjOU9fM

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:31:28

而在昨天的比赛中打进制胜球的马竞前锋阿德里安赛后则表示:塞尔塔很清楚知道在比赛中该干什么,而一旦比赛变成这样就会很难踢了。不过,这个进球增强了我的信心。我们都希望延续此前的强劲势头,甚至希望做得更好。同时,我们希望在联赛、欧联杯和国王杯三线都能继续前进 http://t.cn/zjOUTFX

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:33:11


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:33:48

今天凌晨马竞VS塞尔塔的西甲比赛中,法尔考等马竞全体球员身穿“加油,蒂托”的T恤上场。 #animstito @马德里竞技中国官网

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:34:31

本帖最后由 风中的风之子 于 2012-12-27 00:37 编辑


赛后言论——马竞助教贝尔戈斯:上半场我们除了一个门柱威胁不大,但下半场我们更强势。我们很信任我们的球员,同时我希望比拉诺瓦早日康复http://t.cn/zj0hrsc; 塞尔塔主帅帕科-埃雷拉:马竞不会给对手传球空间,我们也从没想过防守反击。我们不会改变踢法,相信胜利最终会到来http://t.cn/zj0hrst

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 00:52:20


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 01:03:39


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 01:21:37

22/ 12/ 12
Atletico's players expressed support for Tito Vilanova
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The players of Atletico Madrid wanted to support Tito Vilanova in the last game of the year against Celta Vigo. The Atletico player took to the field and wore a T-shirt that read Animo Tito 'expressing love and support to the coach of FC Barcelona, who on Thursday had surgery on a tumor in the parotid gland.

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 01:26:54


22/ 12/ 12
The Vicente Calderon is synonymous with success
Atletico won its 15th consecutive victory against at home after beating Celta in the 17th game of the season

As usual this season, the public who attended the meeting at the Calderon went home with a smile from ear to ear. Following a well work win against Celta, Adrian's goal gave his team another victory on home soil. 14 games unbeaten this season, 15 in total.
In League, Cup and Europe, Simeone's men have won every single time they have ran out at their stadium. The numbers are the best in the history of the club. The previous record of 13 victories and is now in the past and 2012 is the new special year.
The rojiblanco fortress has witnessed major games during 2012. Magical nights in Europe or great performances such as the game a few weeks ago against Deportivo in which Falcao scored five goals. 

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 01:28:17


22/ 12/ 12
Germán Burgos: "The team was strong in the second half and was rewarded"
The Argentine complimented the team for a historic year: "The players have given everything"

The rojiblanco suffered to win but ended up doing so. Adrian's goal served to add three points and achieve the ninth league win of the season at home. A deserved win for the coach of Atletico Madrid, Germán Burgos. "Celta made it difficult for us to create chances. In the first half we hit the post and came close but just couldn't get the goal but the team was strong. During the second half we were rewarded," said Simeone's assistant.
Atletico go in to the holidays on 40 points. "We firmly believe that the players have given everything. The points are a reward for that hard work. Everyone has given everything whether its in the league the Europa League or the Copa del Rey . The group is above individuality and that's what we want to build on." said Burgos.
One of the big stories in the Spanish league at the minute is of Tito Vilanova's disease, Atletico supported him with a shirt before the game and Germán Burgos wished him all the best. "I wish him well. He's brave and has already been through this. I have been in the same situation, the players went out with a shirt for me when I was in the hospital and that gives you a lot of encouragement. The club has done very well."
The Atletico coach was happy with the end to the year and with the joy of Adrian's goal and the reaction of his teammates. "We know that Adrian is a great player and he has received the cheers and applause in the dressing room," said the Argentine.


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 01:29:08


22/ 12/ 12
Adrian: "It was a game we wanted to win, everything went perfect"
The Spaniard end 2012 with two titles, the moments lived in Neptune in the celebrations and playing with the senior national team

Adrian Lopez was the architect of the winning goal for Atletico Madrid in 2012 closing a spectacular, magical year, which saw him returned with the Europa League and UEFA Super Cup titles. The victory against Celta was well worked and was won thanks to Adrians perfect strike
The '7 'rojiblanco admitted to the media that "I am happy to have come on and helped the team with that goal. It is always important to score for a striker. And if it helps the team win, great. The truth is that the team had deserved to have scored before but it just wouldn't go in. Celta were well placed, defending well and always difficult when you have a rival that sits so deep. But the team has continued to attack and got the goal we deserved."
Atletico striker said that "it was a game we wanted to win, we knew it was important to continue this good run we have at home, to go on holiday with 40 points is great, which was the goal we wanted this week. Everything went perfect."

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 01:48:41


22/ 12/ 12
Homework done before the holidays
Atletico beat Celta thanks to a goal by Adrian, hitting the 40 point mark

Atletico wanted to close a successful year in style. After two European titles, countless records including an unbeaten home record this season, Simeone's men came out determined to add 30 points to the 37 already collected, looking to go in to the winter break on the impressive figure of 40 points. And in the end it was a fantastic strike from Adrian that decided the match.
The game started with the home side on top. Koke and Juanfran were constantly involved on the right and it was Koke who was the first to try his luck with a shot from the edge which didnt trouble Javi Varas. The anticipation and the whole team work prevented Celta being comfortable on the ball. 
The first half was very closely contested with both sides defending well and restricting the space for the opposition, denying any real chances at goal and the 0-0 scoreline at the break was a fair reflection.
In the second half Simione made his intentions clear and ass the half went one he made some attacking substitutions, the first change saw Cristian Rodriguez replace Gabi and a reshuffle seeing Koke move to a more central position and Adra out to the right.  The change began to have immediate effect with the left winger cause problems for the Cetla defense and putting the opposition on to the back foot.
Another attacking substitution saw Adrian replace Diego Costa and the Asturia soon decide the match, in the 76th minute, he had his first shot blocked, but at the second time of asking made no mistake. The ball bounced free 25 yards from goal and a sweet left foot strike  worthy of winning any game flew in to the top left corner of Varas' goal, leaving the keeper with no chance and giving the home side the lead.
In the closing minute, Atletico proved the saying of there's no better form of defence than attack and they continued to push the visitor back foot. The only blot on the evenings work was the second booking for Mirada, recieving his marching orders which will see him miss the game against Mallorca after the Christmas break.
Atlético de Madrid 1 - 0 Celta de Vigo
Atlético de Madrid: Courtois; Juanfran, Miranda, Godín, Cisma (Raúl García 76´); Gabi (Cristian Rodríguez 58´),Tiago, Koke, Arda; Diego Costa (Adrián 71´) & Falcao
R.C. Celta: Javi Varas; Hugo Mallo, Túñez, Cabral Bellvís; Oubiña, Insa (Vila 75´); Augusto (De Lucas 84´) , Krohn-Dehli , Álex López (Bermejo 65´); Iago Aspas
Min. 76. 1-0: Adrián 
Pérez Montero For Atletico Arda (32´) and Falcao (81´) and Túñez (35´), Javi Varas (60´), and Vila...
Primera Ultima 

幻樱 发表于 2012-12-27 20:43:55


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-12-27 23:34:18

幻樱 发表于 2012-12-27 20:43 static/image/common/back.gif

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