风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 15:59:53


本帖最后由 风中的风之子 于 2012-10-29 20:56 编辑


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 16:25:56

【29日1:45,西甲第九轮马竞主场迎战副班长奥萨苏纳大名单】门将:1阿森霍 13库尔图瓦;后卫:2戈丁 3菲利佩 17西尔维奥 18迪亚斯 20胡安弗兰 23米兰达;中场:4M·苏亚雷斯 5蒂亚戈 6Koke 8劳尔加西亚 10阿尔达图兰 11C罗德里格斯 14加比 21埃姆雷;前锋:7阿德里安 9法尔考 19迭戈科斯塔。


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 16:29:14


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 17:06:44

26/ 10/ 12

Atletico Madrid started preparing for the game against Osasuna

Those who were not starters against Academia plus Asenjo, worked first and the rest later

Atletico Madrid quickly turned the page on Thursday’s victory in the Europa League against Academia Coimbra to start preparing the La Liga match on Sunday against Osasuna at the Estadio Vicente Calderon (19:45 hours).

Paul Diego Simeone designed a session divided into two groups. On one hand, the starters from last nights game did not trained an hour after the rest of the group, who started at 10:30.

Arda Turan trained alone with Oscar Pitillas, as he continues his recovery from injury that has kept away from the football field since picking up the injury in thebreak for international matches.

Godin, Miranda, Falcao, Juanfran, Kader, Cristian Rodriguez, Raul Garcia, Mario Suarez, Joel, Courtois, Asenjo and Cisma were the players who worked with Oscar Ortega in physical preparation then continue behind closed doors.


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 17:10:33

27/ 10/ 12

Simeone: "We have to play with intensity"

Atletico coach gives full credit for the good run to "the players”

Diego Pablo Simeone appeared at a press conference before the game against Osasuna. The coach gives all the credit for the current situation to his players: "It is the players. Since we've been here, after just a month it felt like we had always been with the team and I still feel the same.”

But the Argentine coach insists on focusing on the day-to-day: "All that talk right now is not decisive. The stories are nice when you read them in books when time has passed. Meanwhile, we have to continue writing them and live them daily. I'm unsentimental. I like the concrete, strong, I’m always looking ahead and time will tell."

The Atletico coach admits he feels bad when he has to leave out of eleven players who have done well when they have played. "It hurts when I left out a Costa, Raul Garcia, Koke, Emre ... but that power of the group and makes us more competitive.”

Simeone spoke about Falcao again reiterating that he thinks he is the best striker in the world: "As a striker in the area, without a doubt, he is the best in the world. A pure finisher, a type of player who are endangered. Every day he continues to grow in its virtues and that makes him even stronger."

The Atletico trainer also stressed the importance of the "defensive phase" of his team, because "it gives you the ability to always be in the game with options. The collective work defensively is what makes the group effort work better."

Finally the Atletico coach warned of the strength of their opponents on Sunday and they will have to play their best to beat them, "It's a strong team with players like Llorente, Lamah, Cejudo and Armenteros who can make the difference between lines. What is clear is that we have to make a match with aggressiveness and intensity."

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 17:14:18

本帖最后由 风中的风之子 于 2012-10-28 17:16 编辑

@西甲咖啡馆 微博



风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 18:02:03


幻樱 发表于 2012-10-28 18:43:50

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 17:14 static/image/common/back.gif

@西甲咖啡馆 微博
赛前言论——马竞主帅西蒙尼:球员才是马竞11连胜的主角,他们团结一致令我们更具竞争 ...


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-28 18:50:52

幻樱 发表于 2012-10-28 18:43 static/image/common/back.gif


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-29 20:54:38



风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-31 00:37:20


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-31 00:38:21


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-31 00:39:13


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-10-31 00:42:01



比 赛开始第5分钟,马竞左路传中,防守球员没能碰到皮球,劳尔-加西亚在中路跟进射门被门将用身体挡出。比赛陷入胶着,双方在中场展开激烈拼抢。第17分 钟,罗德里格斯禁区外左侧突然起脚远射,门将不敢怠慢,飞身将球挡出。第23分钟,劳尔-加西亚禁区外尝试远射,角度太正,球被门将轻松抱住。

第30分钟,索拉禁区外左侧晃开角度后打近角,席尔图瓦倒地将球抱住。1 分钟后马竞打破僵局!加比禁区外左路主罚任意球吊到禁区,米兰达前点高高跃起头球攻门,门将鞭长莫及,球应声入网,1-0!第35分钟,马竞再下一城!路 易斯左路将球传向禁区,阿里巴斯头球解围却将球顶在点球点附近的劳尔-加西亚脚下,劳尔-加西亚稍作调整后右脚推射,门将扑救不及,2-0!第42分钟,索拉禁区中路接队友传球后头球攻门,可惜力量太小被门将轻松得到。1分钟后奥萨苏纳扳回一城!阿门特罗斯禁区前接到传球后背靠着防守球员将球交给拉马,拉马跟上在禁区弧顶处大力远射,席尔图瓦扑救不及,2-1!



马德里竞技: 库尔图瓦 / 菲利佩 , 戈丁 , 米兰达 , 胡安弗兰 / 加比 , 罗德里格斯(79' 蒂亚戈) , 马里奥-苏亚雷斯 , 劳尔-加西亚(62' 图兰) / 埃姆雷(57' 阿德里安) , 法尔考
奥萨苏纳: 安德烈斯 / 纳诺 , 阿里瓦斯 , 洛洛 , 奥耶尔 / 蒂莫尔 , 安南(79' 略伦特) , 普尼亚尔 / 索拉 , 拉马(71' 塞胡多) , 阿门特罗斯

风中的风之子 发表于 2012-11-1 21:45:57


风中的风之子 发表于 2012-11-1 21:49:05

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