flight 发表于 2011-8-27 10:07:24


ychee 发表于 2011-8-27 20:07:45

本帖最后由 ychee 于 2011-8-27 20:29 编辑

在接受《阿斯报》采访时,普拉蒂尼:“每一代都有那个年代的最佳球员,50年代是贝利,70年代是克鲁伊夫,80年代是马拉多纳,然后是齐达内。现在,则是梅西。”。“在现代足坛,没人可以和梅西相提并论。但我更愿意说 ...
半生 发表于 2011-8-26 22:29 http://bbs.argstorm.com/images/common/back.gif

汗 找到原文了 法国巴黎人报:http://www.leparisien.fr/sports/equipe-france-football/argent-du-foot-qatar-bleus-ce-que-platini-nous-a-dit-26-08-2011-1579350.php

居然真的是这样。。"Every generation thinks having in its ranks the best player of all time, he said. The old 1950's think it's Pele. Those of the 1970s think it Cruyff. Those of the 1980s, Maradona, and in the 2000s it was thought that Zidane was the greatest. Right now, it is Messi. "The elf Barcelona, double Golden Ball, which enchants all stages of Europe would it still something more? "Can not compare, slice Platini. I would say that Leo Messi has an advantage over those that I mentioned. Him, he is much more protected by the referees. And rightly so. He can play football and express his talent. Before, talented players first had to think to avoid the blows. "
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