laolituo 发表于 2008-1-6 17:44:00

曼城青睐古铁雷斯, 埃里克森欲打造魔幻双翼

<p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"><clk></clk>腾讯体育讯 众所周知,冬季转会期是各个俱乐部进行补血的重要机会,因为经过半个赛季的拼杀,各个球队都遭遇了不同程度的伤病。对于本赛季表现出色的曼城而言,这也是个补充新鲜血液的好机会。据<nobr id="key0" target="_blank" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #009900; BORDER-BOTTOM: #009900 1px dotted; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; TEXT-DECORATION: underline;">英国</nobr>的《独立报》消息,曼城俱乐部就相中了马洛卡队的阿根廷边翼“蜘蛛侠”乔纳斯-古铁雷斯,这也将花费他们大约700万英镑。 <clk></clk></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">随着今日凌晨冬季转会市场大门的开启,到大门关闭前,曼城和切尔西一样将成为了<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff"><u>英超</u></font></a><clk></clk>俱乐部中最繁忙的一家。在谈及俱乐部的转会计划时,埃里克森表示:“我们计划做一些引援,对此我们已经做了大量的<nobr id="key2" target="_blank" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #009900; BORDER-BOTTOM: #009900 1px dotted; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; TEXT-DECORATION: underline;">工作</nobr>。我不知道我们的第一笔引援会不会发生在第一周,但我确定肯定会发生。因为我们在上班,而其他的一些欧洲俱乐部在休假,因此想与我们心仪的球员交谈比较困难。我们正在与他们的经纪人交涉,我们相中的是大牌球星,他们的身价当然也不菲。我们想引进一些国内和国外的球员。” <clk></clk></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"><clk></clk>25岁的古铁雷斯在07年的年初代表阿根廷完成了他的国家队处子秀。他能够胜任多个位置,既可打边锋,也可以打中锋,有时还能够客串后腰。目前,朴茨茅斯也在加紧对这位阿根廷多面手的追逐,因早在去年夏天,他们就试图将古铁雷斯引进。不过现在看来,就算古铁雷斯选择离开西班牙,他要选择的目的地也是<nobr id="key4" target="_blank" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #009900; BORDER-BOTTOM: #009900 1px dotted; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; TEXT-DECORATION: underline;">曼彻斯特</nobr>。 <clk></clk></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"><clk></clk>古铁雷斯是一位极具<nobr id="key3" target="_blank" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #009900; BORDER-BOTTOM: #009900 1px dotted; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; TEXT-DECORATION: underline;">个性</nobr>的球员,在他进球后,他的庆祝动作别具一格,他通常会戴上蜘蛛侠的面具,极赋想象力的冲向人群。由于古铁雷斯转会费的一半将交给他的老东家纽维尔老男孩俱乐部,因此马洛卡将他的身价标为700-800万英镑也就可以理解了。这笔转会费对曼城来说并非不能接受,曼城老板他信已经答应对俱乐部进行再<nobr id="key1" target="_blank" style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; COLOR: #009900; BORDER-BOTTOM: #009900 1px dotted; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent; TEXT-DECORATION: underline;">投资</nobr>。而埃里克森也想仰仗打右边路的古铁雷斯和左边路的彼得罗夫,来冲击参加下赛季的<clk></clk><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff"><u>欧冠</u></font></a>资格。 </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">曼城已经从顿涅茨克矿工租借来了墨西哥射手涅里-卡斯蒂罗,并有望让去年身价高达1500万英镑的他永久转会曼城。目前,23岁的卡斯蒂罗已经抵达曼彻斯特,但还不能代表曼城参加明天同纽卡的比赛。 </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;"></p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">另外,曼城还相中了萨格勒布迪纳摩的卢卡-莫德里克,不过竞争对手很强,有切尔西、阿森纳以及热刺。埃里克森本月最需要解决的是后腰问题,而第一人选是马斯切拉诺,不过<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff"><u>西甲</u></font></a>豪门巴塞罗那早已是虎视眈眈。</p><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
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laolituo 发表于 2008-1-6 17:48:00

<p><img alt="" src=""/></p><p>姓名: 乔纳斯·古铁雷斯 <br/>英文名称:Jonas Manuel Gutierrez <br/>粤语译音: <br/>国籍: 阿根廷 <br/>出生日期: 1983.07.05<br/>出生地点: 阿根廷桑斯·佩纳 <br/>身高: 183cm <br/>体重: 73kg <br/>场上位置: 中场 <br/>场上编号: 23 <br/>所属团队: 马洛卡 <br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-1-6 17:50:30编辑过]

老刘家 发表于 2008-1-6 18:02:00


laolituo 发表于 2008-1-6 18:13:00

Eriksson spins web to lure &pound;7m 'Spider-man'<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
        <span class="starrating"></span><h3><author></author>By Jason Burt<author></author>
        </h3><h4>Published:&nbsp;01 January 2008 </h4><div class="bodyCopy"><div class="articleButton"><div class="ad" id="articlebutton"></div></div><div id="bodyCopyContent"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>Manchester City are interested in signing Jonas Gutierrez, the Argentina international winger who would cost around &pound;7m from the Spanish club Real Mallorca.</p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>With the transfer window opening at midnight last night, City, along with Chelsea, are set to be one of the Premier League's busiest clubs in the 31 days to the end of January when it closes. "We are going to do something," City's manager, Sven Goran Eriksson, said of their transfer plans. "We are working very much to do it. I don't know if it will happen in the first week in January, but it will happen.</p><p>"We will be having meetings over the next few days, but it's difficult because we're working and the rest of Europe is on holiday, so it is hard to talk to people right now.</p><p>"We are talking to agents, and the players we are discussing are big ones, who could cost a lot of money, as all good footballers do. We're trying in this country as well as abroad."</p><p>Gutierrez, a 25-year-old who made his international debut earlier this year and who can also play as a central striker, has been linked with a move to Portsmouth, who bid for him last summer, but it now appears that Eastlands is his most likely destination should he leave Spain.</p><p>Gutierrez is a colourful character, who celebrates scoring by donning a Spider-man mask and throwing imaginary nets into the crowd. A complication for any move is that 50 per cent of his transfer value would go to his former club, Newell's Old Boys, which is why Mallorca are holding out for between &pound;7m to &pound;8m.</p><p>The fee is not prohibitive for City, however, who regard Gutierrez as the solution to play on the right of midfield, with Martin Petrov on the left, as Eriksson continues to build towards a challenge to finish in the European places this season. The club's owner, Thaksin Shinawatra, has been persuaded that more investment is needed.</p><p>City have already secured the signing of the Mexican striker Nery Castillo on a year's loan from Shakhtar Donetsk, with a view to a permanent deal, even though he moved to the Ukraine for &pound;15m only last summer. The 23-year-old has arrived at City but, under Premier League rules, is not eligible for tomorrow's league game away to Newcastle United.</p><p>City have also been one of four Premier League clubs – the others being Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur and Arsenal – who have held discussions about signing Luka Modric from Dynamo Zagreb, although he may now stay in Croatia until the summer as his &pound;20m asking price is regarded as too high.</p><p>One of Eriksson's main priorities this month is to buy a holding midfielder. First choice is Javier Mascherano, who is also exciting the interest of Barcelona, and who Liverpool have still not secured on a permanent deal. His agreement at Anfield expires next summer unless a fee of &pound;17m is paid. The likelihood is that he will stay, although it is thought that City are pushing for the Argentine to sign a pre-contract agreement and have offered him better terms than those he is on at present.</p><p>Leicester City are set to complete a &pound;1m move for Steve Howard after the Derby striker was given permission to discuss a move to the Championship club.</p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></div></div>

南冰 发表于 2008-1-6 20:31:00


迭戈巴蒂罗米 发表于 2008-1-6 21:30:00

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