新战神 发表于 2007-12-23 08:47:00


<p>墨西哥diario Esto报道:近日来围绕蓝十字球员塞萨尔.德尔加多的转会肥皂剧终于结束了,阿根廷人以300万欧元转会里昂。里昂将清洗巴西人弗雷德</p><p>这个月来有关德尔加多的转会消息满天飞,本非卡和里昂成为两家最有可能的球会,最终里昂胜利了,成功的签下阿根廷人,合同为期2年,2010年6月30日结束。塞萨尔表示,最近他在学习法语,争取早日去里昂报道。</p><p> </p><p><a href="http://www.oem.com.mx/esto/notas/n533194.htm">http://www.oem.com.mx/esto/notas/n533194.htm</a>#</p><p><br/></p><div id="result_box" dir="ltr">"Chelito" is going to France Sign with Lyon At last. <br/><br/>The soap opera ended. <br/><br/>It was what we had for two years been desperately looking for: Cesar Delgado played in Europe. <br/><br/>The forward of the Cruz Azul will travel to France in the coming days to fix its incorporation to Lyon, which will play from January. <br/><br/>It appears that the contract of the Argentine will be for two years and is in final purchase after the hexacampeón Gallo disburse just over 3 million euros for him. <br/><br/>Another team that was nearly done with the services of Cesar was Benfica, but at the end of the weighed more supply of the entire French. <br/><br/>It is only a matter of time before the set cement in doing so officially. <br/><br/>FOR A SUPLIR CÉSAR DELGADO <br/><br/>Machine names deck <br/><br/>Eduardo de la Torre, sports director of Cruz Azul, gave a press conference in which he once again played Cesar Delgado and talk about the possibilities that are envisaged in the machine after the departure of the Argentine striker. The responses were escuetas and timely. <br/><br/>"We need to define what Caesar to know what we players. We have already begun the search for a foreigner." <br/><br/>After the departure of "Chelito", and now there is talk that the Hercules of Alicante wants to negotiate striker Blas Perez, so the Yayo commented, "In the coming hours will define this situation." <br/><br/>In addition, it is rumored that striker Paul Cevallos, the joint Paraguayan Sol de America, is in the sights of the machine, but the technician said simply: "I do not know where it went." <br/><br/>Regarding the rumor that existing Freddy Grisales comes to the set cement, Yayo only replied: "I do not know anything about that." <br/><br/>SE DESPIDIÓ OF JARED <br/><br/>Once again, we talked about Jared Borgetti, who "has complete freedom to manage with whom you. Do not even have to consult us for that."</div><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-23 9:26:37编辑过]

新战神 发表于 2007-12-23 08:57:00

<p><a href="http://www.ole.clarin.com/notas/2007/12/22/um/01570489.html">http://www.ole.clarin.com/notas/2007/12/22/um/01570489.html</a></p><p></p><p>奥莱的报道</p>

新战神 发表于 2007-12-23 08:59:00

<span class="titolo">&nbsp;<strong>César Fabián Delgado</strong></span>
        <div style="MARGIN-TOP: 10px;"><img id="DatiPLayer_iPl" alt=" &quot;César Fabián Delgado&quot;" src="http://www.goal.com/resultsimg/4992.jpg"/>
                <span class="sommario">&nbsp; <i><a id="DatiPLayer_hSq" href="http://www.goal.com/es/Squadra.aspx?IdSquadra=525&amp;SEOTeamName=Cruz+Azul">Cruz Azul</a></i>
                </span><br/><br/><table><tbody><tr id="DatiPLayer_trData"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><b><span id="DatiPLayer_lbDtN">Fecha de nacimiento:</span></b></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">18/08/1981</td></tr><tr id="DatiPLayer_trLuogo"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><b><span id="DatiPLayer_lbLgNs">Lugar de nacimiento:</span></b></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">Rosario</td></tr><tr id="DatiPLayer_trNazione"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><b><span id="DatiPLayer_lbNzl">Nacionalidad:</span></b></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">Argentina</td></tr><tr id="DatiPLayer_trAltezza"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><b><span id="DatiPLayer_lbAtz">Altura:</span></b></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">174 cm.</td></tr><tr id="DatiPLayer_trPeso"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><b><span id="DatiPLayer_lbPs">Peso:</span></b></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">70 Kg.</td></tr><tr id="DatiPLayer_trRuolo"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><b><span id="DatiPLayer_lbRl">Posición:</span></b></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">Delantero</td></tr><tr id="DatiPLayer_trMaglia"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><b><span id="DatiPLayer_lbMgl">Camiseta:</span></b></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">19</td></tr><tr id="DatiPLayer_trNick"><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;"><strong><span id="DatiPLayer_lbNk">Apodo:</span></strong></td><td style="HEIGHT: 13px;">Chelito</td></tr></tbody></table></div>

新战神 发表于 2007-12-23 09:25:00

里昂预备队有个阿根廷球员叫matias chiacchio,现在又有德尔加多,里昂的巴西战略开始转向阿根廷了

tycoon 发表于 2007-12-23 12:03:00

嘿嘿 以后看法甲又多选择了

苏西 发表于 2007-12-23 13:59:00


迭戈巴蒂罗米 发表于 2007-12-23 15:39:00


showfun 发表于 2007-12-23 18:58:00


batilam 发表于 2007-12-23 19:06:00


南冰 发表于 2007-12-23 19:14:00


8754 发表于 2007-12-23 23:56:00

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