laolituo 发表于 2007-12-19 01:27:00


<p>智利球队奥萨斯意大利人的阿根廷中锋迪桑托今天抵达伦敦,将前往切尔西体检,之后将正式转会蓝军。</p><p>奥达斯俱乐部主席Valentin Cantergiani承认已经和切尔西就阿根廷人迪桑托的转会几乎达成了协议,就差一些细节,不够这都不成问题。转会费为700万美元,迪桑托将在冬季转会蓝军并签定为期5年半的合同。迪桑托拥有意大利护照,因此不受劳工证的影响。球员的经纪人Gustavo Goñi表示,切尔西花了一年多的时间来考察迪桑托,并对他的实力表示肯定,于是和奥达斯谈判,并最终以700万美元成交。</p><p>迪桑托出生于阿根廷的门多萨,在15岁时离开阿根廷,加盟智利球队奥达斯,如今只有18岁的他身高已经达到了193cm。他首次进入阿根廷青年队是在去年,参加了今年初的南青杯,但落选了加拿大世青赛的阵容。</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-19 1:49:59编辑过]
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节奏与平衡 发表于 2007-12-19 04:12:00


tycoon 发表于 2007-12-19 08:48:00


中国巴蒂 发表于 2007-12-19 09:45:00


燕然未勒 发表于 2007-12-19 10:04:00


迭戈巴蒂罗米 发表于 2007-12-19 10:22:00


阿根廷果冻 发表于 2007-12-19 10:44:00

<h1>切尔西巨星有望复出决战利物浦 蓝军敲定冬季首位新援</h1><div class="from_info"> 2007年12月19日03:43&nbsp; <font color="#a20010">新浪体育</font></div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><div class="artibody" id="artibody"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>  新浪体育讯 穆里尼奥执教三年切尔西与利物浦交手16次,蓝军7胜5平4负进16球失12球稍占上风,不过切尔西多数胜利都来自联赛,杯赛战绩仅为2胜4平3负反而落了下风。格兰特时代第一次与利物浦交手又是杯赛,难怪贝尼特斯就算是客场作战也信心十足,“切尔西在主场很强大,但利物浦对他们的成绩一向不错,我们有信心。”</p><p>  上周末格兰特近16场不败被阿森纳终结,刚刚签下4年合同的切尔西新帅绝不希望球队发生连败。好在特里、德罗巴相继重伤后蓝军阵中终于传出积极消息,埃辛3场禁赛已满本场比赛可以复出,另外4月份受伤后从未登场的巴拉克有望复出!</p><p>  “巴拉克可以比赛了。”格兰特说,“他是一名非常出色的球员,我们很想念他,都希望他能进入比赛名单。”巴拉克因为受伤已经离开赛场8个月,这期间先是陷入转会风波,接着落选欧冠小组赛名单,如今终于快要复出了,不过等待他的会是异常激烈的主力竞争。“受伤时间这么久,复出可不是一件容易的事。不过他很坚强,而且他是一名出色球员。”</p><p>  另外一名有望近期复出的是卡瓦略。特里重伤后切尔西上下都希望葡萄牙人能即时归来,稳住后防线。</p><p>  与此同时切尔西敲定冬季第一笔引援。<strong><font size="5">18岁的阿根廷天才前锋迪桑托将在1月份转会市场开启时正式与切尔西签约,据悉转会费达到340万英镑。眼下在智利奥达斯效力的迪桑托35次首发打进13球,11月在世界权威足球杂志《世界足球》评选的当今足坛50大希望之星中迪桑托与帕托、博扬等人一起上榜。智利希望将他选入国家队,但拥有阿根廷血统的迪桑托最终选择了阿根廷</font></strong>。</p><p>  据说有10家英超俱乐部邀请迪桑托加盟,<span class="yqlink">
                                <a class="akey" title="曼联" href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000099">曼联</font></a></span>、阿森纳和<span class="yqlink">
                                <a class="akey" title="利物浦" href="" target="_blank"><font color="#000099">利物浦</font></a></span>都是竞争者,不过最终切尔西赢了。奥达斯主席确认:“几乎敲定了,只剩一些细节,不过迪桑托转会切尔西不会有任何问题。”迪桑托也很高兴。“经纪人告诉我别谈转会,但事实是我不会在奥达斯踢球了。成为切尔西一员感觉很棒,未来会很精彩。”</p><p>  本赛季曼联和阿森纳都有一批新星登上舞台前沿,切尔西在这方面有些落后,好在蓝军不缺钱,在追求天才的道路上阿布倒是从来不会吝啬。(黎璐)</p><p>估计不会有错了</p><p>还好选择了阿根廷</p><p>不然又一个新星被人挖走</p><p>不知道哪位达人有详细的资料</p></div>

Aguero 发表于 2007-12-19 11:27:00

<p>目前切尔西的前锋不是很多 而且状态不是很好 魔兽又受伤了 </p><p></p><p>他还是有一定机会了&nbsp; 不过年龄有点太小了&nbsp; </p>

阿根廷之鹰 发表于 2007-12-19 12:01:00

<p>迪桑托比赛视频:</p><p><a href=""></a></p>

还有足球 发表于 2007-12-19 17:00:00


新战神 发表于 2007-12-21 07:32:00

<p>Di Santo: "I am happy to go to Europe" <br/><br/>The young striker Mendoza spend their last days of the year in Mendoza with their families before joining his new club, Chelsea. "I have always dreamed of playing in England and gave me," said Franco. <br/><br/><br/>Franco Di Santo is already powerful player Chelsea of England, and, finally, negotiations between his representative, Gustavo Goni, Audax Italiano Chile and the London club came to a successful conclusion, and striker wear the T-shirt to the Blues beginning next year. <br/><br/>Thus, the striker became the first Mendoza will play on one of the most prestigious leagues in the world: the Premier League. But before we leave for London, Franco came to Mendoza, where he will spend the holiday season with his family, and after that, on January 3, expects his new club. <br/><br/>- Does the pass was going to be materialized and the Chelsea player? <br/>- Yes, thank God the negotiations were successful and now the only thing you need to wait and then sign is surely going to be happier now, but I am calm. <br/><br/>- Is it something that every player seeks to play in Europe, and more in a club as big as Chelsea? <br/>- Playing in Europe is something that every player aims. It gives me me at the moment, I am proud and more in a club so powerful as to which I will go. Hopefully it can continue doing things as I have done so far. <br/><br/>- What do you know of Chelsea? <br/>- What are all about monsters and that one is going to make what you can and with what you know. We repeat, I am proud to be in this great club. <br/><br/>What experience you let your step for soccer in Chile? <br/>Many, I learned many things, as I also learned that should not be done, I had a very good group, which helped me anyway because I came from a very young age and is one of the best clubs in Chile. <br/><br/>The physical power is one of the keys to playing in Europe. How did you feel at that point? <br/>- I played the Copa Libertadores and in that sense can seem a bit like what is there, but it never arrives. The important thing now is to get there and get to the point physically Like all players from Europe. <br/><br/>- Do thought go to European football so quickly? <br/>- If I were to choose where they wanted to go play, I had always said that what he wanted most was to go to England and now that I give is something very important, and I will try to fulfill the expectations. <br/><br/>- Do&nbsp;say English? <br/>(Laughter) - No, but over time while one is going to go there to learn well in the play is not going to be so important. The important thing is to get well to the best possible start.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-21 7:32:57编辑过]

新战神 发表于 2007-12-21 07:39:00

<a href=";pid=3688960&amp;toi=5320">;pid=3688960&amp;toi=5320</a>

潘帕斯storm 发表于 2007-12-22 23:00:00

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