kwanlili 发表于 2007-9-25 00:02:00

苏西 发表于 2007-9-25 00:24:00


燕然未勒 发表于 2007-9-25 00:54:00


燕然未勒 发表于 2007-9-25 09:34:00

<p> </p><p>这个月饼够大吧,来来来,见者有份~&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>各位小玉兔MM,啸天犬GG们:中秋快乐~</p>

蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-25 15:32:00


蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-25 15:33:00

<table cellspacing="10" width="93%"><tbody><tr><td class="link04"><b>9月28日</b></td><td class="link01"></td><td class="link01"></td></tr><tr><td class="link04"><b>西甲</b></td><td class="link01"></td><td class="link01"></td></tr><tr><td class="link04">03:00</td><td class="link01">皇马vs贝蒂斯</td><td class="link01">CCTV-5、香港有线足球</td></tr></tbody></table>

蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-25 15:44:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>燕然未勒</i>在2007-9-25 9:34:00的发言:</b><br/><p> </p><p>这个月饼够大吧,来来来,见者有份~&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>各位小玉兔MM,啸天犬GG们:中秋快乐~</p></div><p>好大的月饼啊~</p><p>大家中秋快乐!!!!</p>

苏西 发表于 2007-9-25 22:35:00


AA 发表于 2007-9-26 08:57:00


燕然未勒 发表于 2007-9-26 09:19:00


蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-27 15:32:00


蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-27 16:05:00

<p><span class="par"><b>SQUAD LIST:</b><br/><b>GOALKEEPERS:</b> Casillas and Dudek.<br/><b>DEFENDERS:</b> Ramos, Cannavaro, Marcelo, <font color="#cc00ff">Heinze</font>, and Torres.<br/><b>MIDFIELDERS:</b> Diarra, <font color="#cc00ff">Gago</font>, Guti, Robben, Sneijder, and Robinho.<br/><b>FORWARDS:</b> Raúl, <font color="#cc00ff">Higuaín, Saviola</font>, Baptista, and Van Nistelrooy. <br/></span></p><p><span class="par">虽然明天一早有课但还是要起来看.拜托舒帅让海同学上吧,别再放我们鸽子了.</span></p>

苏西 发表于 2007-9-28 09:45:00


燕然未勒 发表于 2007-9-28 09:51:00

<p>倒&nbsp; 苏西挖 我下半场才醒来的</p><p>结果在群里呼喊,你不在,我还以为你自己都没起来看呢</p><p>昨天海哥表现很不错~~</p>

燕然未勒 发表于 2007-9-28 11:31:00


苏西 发表于 2007-9-28 10:01:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>燕然未勒</i>在2007-9-28 9:51:00的发言:</b><br/><p>倒&nbsp; 苏西挖 我下半场才醒来的</p><p>结果在群里呼喊,你不在,我还以为你自己都没起来看呢</p><p>昨天海哥表现很不错~~</p></div><p></p><p>我也是半途醒来,只看了上半场最后一点,下半场西瓜兔子下去后没多久,巴普上场我就关了电视不看了</p><p>我刚开始上了一下qq,群里都没有人,我以为你们都不看,所以就下线了,谁知道你竟然下半场会爬上来。。。</p><p>海哥昨天有一个给劳尔的斜长传印象深刻,可惜劳尔打门的力量太小</p><p></p><p></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-28 10:01:31编辑过]

蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-28 13:06:00


蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-28 13:08:00

<p><span class="b"></span></p><p><span class="b"><span class="az1">"We played well"</span><br/><br/><span class="subtitulo">Heinze back in the starting lineup against Betis</span></span></p><p><span class="b">Gabriel Heinze had an excellent match. Not only was he constantly running up the left flank, but his unquestionable fighting spirit will surely win over Madridista fans over the course of the season.</span></p><p><span class="b"></span><span class="par">“This is the kind of work the coach asks of us. We do what we should and what we can. We played a correct match. It was difficult being that we ran so much in Valladolid but, overall, we played well.” <p>“I feel no lingering effects of my injury. I have to get back into the rhythm, but I feel good. We have to keep making progress and scoring because it makes us all feel a lot calmer.” </p><p>“We all know that teams will build a back line of four or five players. We have to find a way to break through those lines. We tried to in the first half and we controlled the ball, and it was difficult for them to keep up because they didn't have possession.”<br/><br/></p></span></p><p>“I feel no lingering effects of my injury. I have to get back into the rhythm, but I feel good. We have to keep making progress and scoring because it makes us all feel a lot calmer.” </p><p>“We all know that teams will build a back line of four or five players. We have to find a way to break through those lines. We tried to in the first half and we controlled the ball, and it was difficult for them to keep up because they didn't have possession.”<br/><br/></p><p></p><p>“I feel no lingering effects of my injury. I have to get back into the rhythm, but I feel good. We have to keep making progress and scoring because it makes us all feel a lot calmer.” </p><p>“We all know that teams will build a back line of four or five players. We have to find a way to break through those lines. We tried to in the first half and we controlled the ball, and it was difficult for them to keep up because they didn't have possession.”<br/><br/></p><p></p><p>“I feel no lingering effects of my injury. I have to get back into the rhythm, but I feel good. We have to keep making progress and scoring because it makes us all feel a lot calmer.” </p><p>“We all know that teams will build a back line of four or five players. We have to find a way to break through those lines. We tried to in the first half and we controlled the ball, and it was difficult for them to keep up because they didn't have possession.”<br/><br/></p><br/><br/><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-28 13:34:03编辑过]

炮炮 发表于 2007-9-28 13:50:00


蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-28 17:12:00


潘帕斯足球 发表于 2007-9-28 18:28:00

<p>蓝羽,我看了全场. 我把我家的闹钟定时在3点(报道说CCTV-5凌晨三点直播). 三点爬起来,CCTV-5正在放网球. 我以为又被C5放了鸽子,气的要关电视睡觉. 我不甘心,打开电脑浏览皇马吧,得知四点直播.</p><p>哈,我们海哥打满90分钟,他的表现EXCELLENT! 撒花!</p><p>蓝羽嫉妒我了! </p><p></p>

潘帕斯足球 发表于 2007-9-28 18:31:00

<div class="articleTitleW" _extended="_extended"><a id="articleTitle" href="" target="_blank" _extended="_extended"><font color="#000000">皇马2:0贝蒂斯的感想</font></a>
        </div><div class="article_admin" _extended="_extended"></div><div id="articleContentArea" _extended="_extended"><div id="tagsArea" _extended="_extended"></div><div class="middleSizie" id="articleContent" _extended="_extended"><div _extended="_extended">今天凌晨三点从床上爬起来,等着看皇马VS贝蒂斯的比赛. 四点整,比赛开始. 哈哈,海哥,兔子,伊瓜因首发, 海哥打满全场. 我期望皇马胜利,但是当我听到CCTV-5的解说员喋喋不休地说皇马主帅舒斯特尔的换人战术比贝蒂斯主帅库珀强时,我很不高兴,毕竟库珀是阿根廷人. 皇马财大气粗,她购买了大量足球天才.舒斯特尔手中的牌当然比库珀多. 加戈没有上场,央视解说员还不放过他,说什么加戈的防守能力比迪亚拉差很多. 靠!我们阿根廷的小王子用得着你数落?!</div><div _extended="_extended">&nbsp;</div><div _extended="_extended">中场休息时,CCTV-5放了女足世界杯进球集锦.第一个就是德国11:0阿根廷. 虽然我从不看女足的比赛,但代表阿根廷的姑娘们大比分输给对手,我这个阿迷还是觉得脸上有点挂不住.</div><div _extended="_extended">&nbsp;</div><div _extended="_extended">总之,我对CCTV-5以及他们的解说员超级不满!</div><div _extended="_extended">&nbsp;</div><div _extended="_extended">最后,我煽情的吼一句:好运,潘帕斯雄鹰!</div></div></div>

蓝羽 发表于 2007-9-28 18:50:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>潘帕斯足球</i>在2007-9-28 18:28:00的发言:</b><br/><p>蓝羽,我看了全场. 我把我家的闹钟定时在3点(报道说CCTV-5凌晨三点直播). 三点爬起来,CCTV-5正在放网球. 我以为又被C5放了鸽子,气的要关电视睡觉. 我不甘心,打开电脑浏览皇马吧,得知四点直播.</p><p>哈,我们海哥打满90分钟,他的表现EXCELLENT! 撒花!</p><p>蓝羽嫉妒我了! </p><p></p></div><p>哈哈~</p><p>C5预告的是四点,我怕他们乌龙,三点就起来了,结果没有,本来想四点再起,就睡过了...</p><p>只看了最后十五分钟....下了全场补课~</p>

雪灵犀 发表于 2007-9-28 19:10:00


燕然未勒 发表于 2007-9-28 19:58:00

<p>白衣好帅挖 ~~</p>
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查看完整版本: 07.09.28 03:00 西甲联赛 皇家马德里 2:0 贝蒂斯[已完场]