绿野 发表于 2007-6-19 23:46:00


<p><font color="#8f33cc"><font face="Verdana" size="2"><strong>" I had loved playing with Riquelme"</strong></font><br/>  </font></p><p><font color="#8f33cc" size="3"><strong>我非常想和里克尔梅一起踢球</strong></font></p><p><a href="http://bbs.argstorm.com/showimg.asp?BoardID=2010&filename=2007-6/20076722204154238.jpg" target="_blank"></a> </p><p>The former steering wheel always returns it round.  It counts who discovered now that returned al country, speech of the Selection and asks more concept:  "When the ball passes for Román, the soccer is different".  </p><p><strong><font color="#b12cb1">皇马前任舵手总是能将球队运作的很顺畅。当被发现身在国内时,记者向其提出许多问题,其中就有关于里克尔梅的,就这些个问题他的回答是:“当球被送到罗曼脚下时,一切都变的不可思议”</font></strong></p><p><font color="#000000">Now when you returned to Buenos Aires: do you perceive that the redondistas and the Round anti are?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">当你回到布宜诺斯艾利斯的时候,你怎么看待那些支持你和反对你的人? </font></p><p><font color="#000000">I was always calm with my decisions, but I did not spend for high place that... I was Always respectful, even with those who were saying that I did not want to play in the Selection, a foolery (it does faces). The Selection is the maximum pride, although not at any price. As nothing in the life.Sometimes, in the fan there is false nationalism, but it is a topic that I stopped covering.</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">我对自己的决定总是很平静,但我不会把自己束之高阁,我一直就是尊重别人的,即使是面对那些指责我不为国家队效力的人。身披国家队球衣是我最大的荣耀,哪怕得不到任何回报。但足球不是生活的全部。有时候球迷并不能够完全理解我,我也不想再更多的去谈这个话题。</font></p><p><font color="#000000">-What had you liked that it happened and did not it happen in your long career?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">在你长期的职业生涯中,你如何看待成就与遗憾? </font></p><p><font color="#000000">-I had never liked having to say to him. To have been more and to aspire to gain a World cup. , gained Champions, Leagues... To any more it is not possible to aspire. But it is the life itself: it is not possible to be with the wound opened eternally. </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">我从来不喜欢谈论有关自己是多么渴望赢得世界杯冠军这个话题。在职业生涯中总是充满了荆棘……俱乐部方面,我在米兰和马德里效力期间赢得了欧洲冠军杯和联赛的冠军。我已经很满足在俱乐部获得的荣誉。有得有失,也许那就是宿命,我也不想一直让自己处于忧伤的情绪中,一切都得向前看。</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-¿With what Argentine soccer found you?</font>你如何看待阿根廷足球? </font></p><p><font color="#000000">- there is another rhythm of game, less it pauses, less football which I like. And in many cases concept is absent: they begin for the left side and want to keep on playing over there, the obligation to play all the balls for forward. Anyhow, I do not like to be a negative. The reality also indicates that good players keep on going out.</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">那是另外一种风格的足球,也是我所喜欢的配合流畅的足球。多数情况下这种足球很难用言语表述:从场地一端就开始这些行云流水的配合,直至球到前锋脚下形成射门。总之,我不是个悲观主义者。事实也证明我们的好球员不断涌现。 </font></p><p><font color="#000000">-Jorge Valdano said that the miracle is called I Read Messi.  Vos also you see him things of Maradona?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">巴尔达诺说莱奥梅西是个奇迹,你认为他和马拉多那有相似之处吗?</font></p><p><font color="#000000">-It is a very large player and he is showing him now in each party, as the last one of the Selection.  He is a pleasure: he has things that move the sensibility.  But I do not know if is good the comparison with Maradona, because he will be always unique.  Although I believe that after Diego, Messi is one of those players that surprise and is going to continue us surprising.  It has natural talent and all this experience, these parties in the Selection, they will serve him for the World one.  </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">他是最出色的,现在的每一场比赛都在证明这一点,在刚刚结束的国家队比赛中同样如此。那总是一个很敏感的话题,我并不清楚和马拉多那比较是否合适,因为马拉多那是独一无二的。同样我也相信在迭戈之后,梅西也会成为让人惊艳的球员。他有着惊人的天赋,他的这些经历以及在国家队的优异表现说明他终将带领球队赢得世界杯。 </font></p><p><font color="#000000">-¿How do you see it Gago?  Has your business?  </font><font color="#0000ff">你怎么看待加戈?别人说在他身上看到你的影子?</font></p><p><font color="#000000"> -I see him things.  Fundamentally the intention to be offered always, to be relief.  I like that a central steering wheel be always the vertex of the move.  That itself be not limited to cut.  Resigning a player in that position strictly to the recovery, is to give advantage.  Although the reality is that each time they remain less than the ones that play as to me i like.  Therefore it surprises when appears Gago or Banega.  In the world they are few. </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">我对他有所了解,调动球队的基本意图都还不错。我喜欢在整个攻防转换中不停移动接应队友传球的中场球员。那样并不会限制他的断球。在这个位置上给球员更多的自由会让球队更有优势,事实上很少有球员有象我在球场上的活动范围。那也是加戈或巴内加出现的时候会引人关注的原因,这样的球员很少见。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Some days ago was spoken of Tevez al Real Madrid.  Can walk?</font>  </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">前段时间有消息称特维斯将加盟皇马,你认为可能性大吗?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-To Tevez I see it in any team.  I like that character that has, endures all, asks them always.  And later has that also of the soccer that we like.  In the World one we expected connections of Tevez, Messi and Riquelme.  The Madrid is in phase of spare and one must delineate what is wanted from here to a few years.</font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">特维斯表现我都看到了。我很欣赏他的性格——承担一切。他的比赛总能让人赏心悦目,在去年世界杯期间我们就很期待特维斯、梅西和里克尔梅能一起为球迷表演。马德里现在在这个位置上似乎并不缺人,再过几年后这样的转会更现实。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">- What players did you discover in the country?</font> 你在国内发现了哪些年轻球员吗?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">- of that it had not seen very much, I like (José) Sosa, that of Estudiantes, a different player. Carrizo, the archer of River. And I always see very much my position, that's why I emphasize Banega. Although it is very young, he is necessary to have time. To see if it is defined as five, it is necessary to see it... It must discover the secrets of the position. Later I like many things of Mauro Zárate, of Vélez. It seems to me that it has slightly differently.</font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">我并没有注意太多。我欣赏何塞·索萨,大学生队的球员,非常于众不同。卡利佐,有着出色天赋的河床队门将。我关注更多的还是跟我踢相同位置的球员,那也是我强调巴内加(博卡的新后腰,19岁)的原因。他还很年轻,我们应该多给他一些时间成长。看他到时候能否成为真正的5号,他很值得期待。我也很喜欢毛罗·萨拉特。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-¿And in the world?</font>  在世界范围内呢?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Iniesta, of the Barcelona.  In spite of its physical limitations sees well the play.  Equal, the best player of this moment is Kaká, the Brazilian.  I had the possibility to see it when arrived al Milan.  That undershirt with an extremely horrifying tranquility was put.</font>  </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">巴萨的伊涅斯塔,尽管受身体条件的限制,他依然表现很出色。当下最好的球员是巴西人卡卡。当初他加盟米兰时我还在队内。他对加盟米兰表现得异常冷静。</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">- Whom did you enjoy from inside?</font> 你打心眼里最欣赏哪个球员? </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-By my position, normally with the coupling.  We leave sideways to Maradona, that is of another planet.  And the little thing that could enjoy was incredible.  With Laudrup I loved to play.  Seedorf, Verón, Rui Coast and Rivaldo are also players with the ones that enjoyed.  And there it was me delighted to play with Riquelme.</font>    </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">从我的位置来说,通常所欣赏的就是与我所搭档合作的中场球员。我们把这个位置留给迭戈,他的能力是独一无二无人能及的。他在球场上表现出来的小小一点足以让你震惊。我很喜欢和劳得鲁普一起踢球。西多夫、贝隆、鲁伊科斯塔和里瓦尔多也都是我喜欢的球员。我也很希望能和里克尔梅一起合作。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-¿Vos you saw it it Riquelme in the World one?</font>  你看到了里克尔梅在世界杯上的表现吗? </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-What happens is that by the conditions that has, one always expects more than him.  It did not it do badly.  Logically it can give more because has an infinite capacity, but is neither easy in a World one.</font>  </font></p><font color="#0000ff"><p><font color="#0000ff">事实上当时发生的就是,在那样情况下人们总是对他寄予太多的期望了,他踢得不错啦,但是他可以提供更多的魔术,因为罗米口袋里的魔法玩意是无穷无限的!但是毕竟这是世界杯,没那么容易:)</font></p></font><font color="#0000ff"></font><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-If you were the technician of a team of stars, him tirás the 10 immediately. ...</font>  </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">你是否想过成为这支球星云集的球队教练,让他穿上10号球衣、、、</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Not, do not I want to enter that play, I prefer to be a spectator.  But Gago and Cambiasso are sure...</font>  </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">不,我并不想参与到其中,我更乐意做一个观众。加戈和坎比亚索到时候也将很出色、、、 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-¿And Riquelme not?</font>  里克尔梅呢?</font></p><p><font color="#000000">- also. When the ball happens for him, the football is different. It accelerates and decelerates, puts balls of goal. It came to the Barcelona in a moment that limited it very much. Although one comes from Mouth or River is not easy to adapt itself to the Barsa or to the Real one. And less with one They Go Gaal who asks for things of another world. It always spent to me that I needed to believe in the trainer, to feel respected later to be able to give good results. Riquelme needs that. In the Villarreal, it did again what it was doing in Mouth.</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">他也是的,当他控球的时候,足球会变得不同。他的节奏感好,懂得何时提速与减速,理顺进攻层次。他来到巴塞罗那之后受到了很大的限制。对于他来说似乎很难适应巴塞罗那。更糟糕的是与其合作的主教练范加尔是个足球理念完全不同的人。对于我来说,我需要教练的信任,感受到自己被尊重,然后才会发挥出好的状态。里克尔梅也需要那样。在比利亚雷亚尔他踢出了在博卡的水平。</font><br/> </p><br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-20 19:17:17编辑过]

绿野 发表于 2007-6-19 23:46:00

<font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000"><p>-Vos you were it: I defined the good players.</p><p><font color="#0000ff">那么如果是你,你怎么定义好球员? </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-It is not only the one that knows gambetear or to throw pipes.&nbsp; It has to see a lot with the head to make the wise decisions.&nbsp; The difference is in the character or the mentality.&nbsp; It passes a lot by the intelligence also.&nbsp;</font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">单单身体条件出众尚不能称的上好球员,这还得很大程度上取决于球员的头脑,会对场上形势做出正确的判断。好球员与一般球员在性格,精神和头脑方面都有所不同。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-&iquest;What lack?&nbsp; </font>你觉得阿根廷球员现在缺少什么? </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-It lacks us to stimulate the talent.&nbsp; The Argentine player has him, but one must stimulate it, not to limit it.&nbsp; He is not only they play, is to go contributing them things.&nbsp; At times the difference is in knowing that tenés that to risk.&nbsp; I handsome more to that.&nbsp; In a ball stop they can come they surprise you, but all is seen now.&nbsp; When vos apostás by the talent in the decisive phase of the play, that is difficult to counteract.</font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">我们所需做的就是如何激发球员的潜能。阿根廷有里克尔梅,那么必须有人最大限度地发挥他在队中的作用而非因为战术原因限制他。他是个在场上不但为自己踢球还为他人做嫁衣的球员。有时他跟其他球员的差别仅仅在于明知有丢失球权的危险他还是选择自己控球,而更多人选择传球。在某次接停球过程中,对方的突然出现可能会吓到你,但当你安全地接到球时你就清楚他的传球路线有多诡异了。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-The dark-skinned Simeone said before the World one that the great difference with Brazil is that they have cracks, and Argentina very good players.&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></font>&nbsp;<font color="#0000ff">西蒙尼说在世界杯开始之前巴西和阿根廷最大的不同是:巴西有很多球星,阿根廷则是有很出色的球员。</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Argentina has them.&nbsp; Verón is crack, Riquelme is crack, Tevez is crack, we have players.&nbsp; Doing the comparison with Brazil, they multiply, that is certain.&nbsp; But we have mentality, character, the form to move us once we put us the undershirt.&nbsp; Us not the same thing gives to gain that to lose.&nbsp; That it is a difference that one adds us more.&nbsp; And that puts us to the height of them, because in quantity of players they surpass us.</font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">阿根廷同样有很多球星,贝隆、里克尔梅、特维斯都是球星。不过和巴西比起来,他们是更多点。但我们更有斗志,当我们身披国家队球衣的时候,我们的心都是一起为这个国家而跳动的,无论最后结果如何,这也是跟我们相比他们所欠缺的地方。这样也能弥补一些位置上球员个人能力的不足。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-&iquest;The present tactic limits a little the technique?&nbsp;</font> 现在的战术是否限制了球员的天赋? </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Since childlike we see that there is a worry by gaining.&nbsp; Do not you see a defender, or a team, that leave playing.&nbsp; Does not it run risks because can lose...&nbsp; We mistake the roads in the formation.&nbsp; Me agreement that in Argentines was to see who played better.&nbsp; The one that threw the up the ball caused a terrible shout of the technician.&nbsp; I have gone now to see parties of Lower and the defenders cut the move and themselves do not they worry about the possession of your team.&nbsp; As well as they go, they try to cut...&nbsp; If al small not it estimulás in the Lower...&nbsp; The tactic is always good, but with flexibility.&nbsp; And in agreement al footballer that tenés.&nbsp; I believe in the players, not in the stiff systems.&nbsp;</font>&nbsp;</font><font color="#0000ff">从孩提时代起我们就总是希望赢得比赛,你看不到一个防守球员,甚至整支球队都在进攻。那也并不危险,因为胜负显得并不重要。这中错误的意识也伴着我们的成长。我记得在阿根廷曾经有个很出色的球员,因为不遵守教练的战术安排而遭到教练的怒斥。如今我深入去了解一些小俱乐部后发现里面的防守球员只管切断对方的传球路线破坏对方进攻而不担心球队是否丢失了在控球权上的优势,只要在场上他们就只顾断球。如果在这些小球会中缺少有天赋的年轻球员,那么战术打法布置的优势自然就体现出来了,当然对应战术死板僵化的缺点也就随之产生。对于足球运动本身而言,我本人更相信球员自身能力而非那些严谨呆板的战术体系。 </font></p><font color="#000000"><p><font color="#000000">- It(he,she) depends on the DT? </font><font color="#0000ff">这是否取决于教练?</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">- with some you feel you more identified by what they propose. But to be able to overcome it, sometimes, it(he,she) makes you a better football player. It(he,she) depends on one... I was coming from the Tenerife and the first year in the Royal(Real) one we gain(earn) the League, with Jorge (Valdano), playing an exquisite football. Then Capello came and it(he,she) wanted something totally different. He(she) said to me that me one had seen and that he(she) was claiming another thing. Uprightness and not so much production.&nbsp; <br/></font></font><font color="#0000ff"><p><font color="#0000ff">在有些教练的指导下你会觉得自己获得了肯定。……他能把你栽培成一个更出色的球员。这全取决于教练……我从特内里费来到皇马的第一年夺得了联赛冠军,那时是巴尔达诺,他的足球风格是很细腻的。后来卡佩罗来了,他的要求就完全不同了。直来直去,不管是否踢得好看。</font></p></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">在有些教练的指导下你会觉得自己获得了肯定。……他能把你栽培成一个更出色的球员。这全取决于教练……我从特内里费来到皇马的第一年夺得了联赛冠军,那时是巴尔达诺,他的足球风格是很细腻的。后来卡佩罗来了,他的要求就完全不同了。直来直去,不管是否踢得好看。</font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-As with Passarella.&nbsp;</font> 帕萨雷拉呢 </font></p><p></p></font></font></font><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Did not it want to enter again in the theme.&nbsp; One it should be qualified to say that not.&nbsp; Later, already with Bielsa, he to be about to call me, I spoke him and I told him that had the knee screwed.&nbsp; Did not be able.&nbsp; It was different, a wound, touched me to suffer enough in my career...&nbsp; I was clear.&nbsp; I had not liked to be and to yield al 50%.&nbsp; And Bielsa carried itself very well with me.</font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">我不想谈论这个话题。还有贝尔萨,他给我打过电话。我告诉他我的膝盖受伤了,没办法参加比赛,这个伤病在我的职业生涯中让我很受折磨。贝尔萨也表示了对我的理解。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><span><font color="#000000">- Pekerman came late to the Selection? Always it(he,she) admired your game. </font><p><font color="#0000ff">你怎么看佩克尔曼的国家队?他很钦佩你在球场上的表现。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Ja, it(he,she) can be. I take very much respect as he(it). But I prefer not thinking about situations that they could be. Also I had liked to play in Independently, because my family is a fan, and it(he,she) could not be. Or to move back(to retire) there. One spoke and I know that Daniel Bertoni also wanted, but already it was not my moment. Not being nice he(she) was not being going to enjoy and I believe that was not being going to serve either. The typical thing, he(she) was going to say " it(he,she) returns to steal the silver ". But it(he,she) was not happening(passing) thereabouts. When not pod閟 to give the better(best) thing, being something that you wish, it is preferable to go to the platform. I thankfully had the privilege of playing in Argentinians. </font></font></p><p>&nbsp;<font color="#0000ff">很好<span></span><b></b><span>,我一直很敬重他。但我并不想多谈关于国家队的表现。我也曾希望为独立队效力,因为我的家人是独立球迷,但那不太可能实现。事实上Daniel Bertoni 也希望如此,如果我表现不好时,他也不会对我满意,与此同时我相信这对双方都不好。他曾经说过“那样回来就像偷银币一样”而事实上并没有真的发生什么。当你在球场上没有发挥出或表现出你所拥有的那面时,那么你最好上看台。幸运的是我有资格代表阿根廷踢球。</span></font>&nbsp;</p></span></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">你怎么看佩克尔曼的国家队?他很钦佩你在球场上的表现。 </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Ja, it(he,she) can be. I take very much respect as he(it). But I prefer not thinking about situations that they could be. Also I had liked to play in Independently, because my family is a fan, and it(he,she) could not be. Or to move back(to retire) there. One spoke and I know that Daniel Bertoni also wanted, but already it was not my moment. Not being nice he(she) was not being going to enjoy and I believe that was not being going to serve either. The typical thing, he(she) was going to say " it(he,she) returns to steal the silver ". But it(he,she) was not happening(passing) thereabouts. When not pod閟 to give the better(best) thing, being something that you wish, it is preferable to go to the platform. I thankfully had the privilege of playing in Argentinians. </font></font></p><p>&nbsp;<font color="#0000ff">很好<span></span><b></b><span>,我一直很敬重他。但我并不想多谈关于国家队的表现。我也曾希望为独立队效力,因为我的家人是独立球迷,但那不太可能实现。事实上Daniel Bertoni 也希望如此,如果我表现不好时,他也不会对我满意,与此同时我相信这对双方都不好。他曾经说过“那样回来就像偷银币一样”而事实上并没有真的发生什么。当你在球场上没有发挥出或表现出你所拥有的那面时,那么你最好上看台。幸运的是我有资格代表阿根廷踢球。</span></font>&nbsp;</p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p><span><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-&iquest;And Basile?</font> 巴西莱呢? </font></span></p><p><span><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-I emphasize the strong personality that has, its simplicity to transmit concepts, moments of mind.&nbsp; I had different technicians, very studious, other that seem less.&nbsp; When they say that the Coconut does not work the tactical thing, does not look videos...&nbsp; The it simplifies the things.&nbsp; The coach has to be respected and credible.&nbsp; He is fundamental for al success.&nbsp; And Coconut has that.&nbsp; Causes the message arrives you and to feel important.&nbsp; I am very I excite with this new phase: will be like a great revenge by that business about the 94...</font></font></span></p><p><span></span><span><font color="#0000ff">我不得不说他是一个有着很强个性的教练,他会很直接的向大家传输他的足球理念。我也还还经历过其他很努力工作的教练,但很少有像巴西莱这样的。有人说椰子不在战术方面下工夫、说他不观看一些比赛录象等等,他总是不屑于干这些事情。教练应该被尊重和信任,这是成功的基础。而椰子具备了这些。我很高兴椰子能重新回到这个位置上,这将是一次对年的复仇、、、 </font></span></p><p><span><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Diego says that that team surpassed al of the 86.&nbsp;</font>迭戈说这支球队要比86年的那支还强。 </font></span></p><p><span><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-Do not I know.&nbsp; You left champions.&nbsp; But in the 94 you looked at for ahead and were infinities the alternatives.&nbsp; And how had started Diego...&nbsp; We had to Batistuta, Caniggia, Balbo, the dark-skinned one and I.&nbsp; Us we could not replace of it of Diego.&nbsp; We have also the memory of a team that played well.&nbsp; With Diego in field did not we have rival.&nbsp;</font></font></span></p><p><span><font color="#0000ff">我不知道哪支更强。迭戈的球队那年赢得了世界杯。94年我们也是一支很强大的队伍。球队中有迭戈、巴帝斯图塔、卡尼吉亚、巴尔博、西蒙尼和我。我们仍然没法完全从迭戈事件给我们造成的打击中走出。我们依然记得球队踢出的精彩比赛。迭戈在队中的时候我们似乎没有什么对手。 </font></span></p><p><span><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-&iquest;What told them when was informed of the positive one?</font> 当被查出服用禁药后迭戈对你们说了什么? </font></span></p><p><span><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-We were in its room, I remember it perfectly.&nbsp; Diego felt very badly, cried and told us that they had sworn themselves it.&nbsp; Later against Bulgaria a vague team was seen.&nbsp; With Rumania, in spite of to have lost, we had another answer of mind.&nbsp; But it we could not raise.&nbsp; Was very strong, very strong.</font></font></span></p><p><span>&nbsp;</span><span><font color="#0000ff">我记得很清楚,当时我们都在他的房间。迭戈感觉很糟糕,一直在哭泣,他对我们说他是被别人陷害的。在之后对阵保加利亚的比赛中我们表现得不好。对阵罗马尼亚一役,虽然比赛输了,但其实心理上的崩盘是最致命的。我们无法提升士气,那时的氛围非常糟糕。</font></span></p><span><p><span><strong><font color="#000000">[翻译]:daijing107, Arg_Crespo;[编辑整理]:yl_1520</font></strong></span></p></span>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-20 20:39:26编辑过]

daijing107 发表于 2007-6-20 00:20:00

<p>凌,辛苦了 </p>

皮皮痒 发表于 2007-6-20 00:20:00


绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 00:38:00

<p>哈哈,楼上两位和楼主是本文的苦力~ 文章还有一半,问的是一些生活相关的了。太累了,看西文翻过来的英文简直折寿,不知道出了多少错,把这畸形的英文贴出来了,有几处实在是弄不懂,还有很多意思模糊的,都是硬翻的,大家路过的帮忙看一下~~</p><p>咳咳,本版的版主大人,偶要精华贴。</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 00:45:00


daijing107 发表于 2007-6-20 00:46:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>绿野</i>在2007-6-20 0:38:00的发言:</b><br/><p>&nbsp;</p><p>咳咳,本版的版主大人,偶要精华贴。</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div><p>&nbsp;顶,偶棉可素都出了大汗挖 </p><p>来凌,咱先吃根冰棍凉快凉快</p><p></p><p>对不起啊,痒痒同学,你的那支让你哥们给抢了<br/></p><br/>

batistuta_80 发表于 2007-6-20 01:26:00


gg 发表于 2007-6-20 04:34:00

<p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">楼主翻译的这么辛苦,应该强烈BS最初从西班牙语翻成英文的那个家伙,因为他是用翻译软件直接复制/粘贴出来的,这样的人也好意思把自己的名字写作翻译。真是厚颜无耻。翻译机出来的英文都是这样狗屁不通,楼主如果直接找西班牙文原文翻译就知道东哥到底在说什么了。<br/></font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">对罗米的这段话要澄清一下,东哥没有说</font></font><font color="#0000ff">更多时候他都是等待队友将球传到他脚下</font><img alt="" src="file:///C:/DOCUME~1/george/LOCALS~1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg"/><img alt="" src="file:///C:/DOCUME~1/george/LOCALS~1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.jpg"/><img alt="" src="file:///C:/DOCUME~1/george/LOCALS~1/Temp/moz-screenshot-2.jpg"/><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">这种贬义的话,他说的是:<br/></font></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">¿Vos you saw it it Riquelme in the World one?</font>  你看到了里克尔梅在世界杯上的表现吗? </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">-What
happens is that by the conditions that has, one always expects more
than him.  It did not it do badly.  Logically it can give more because
has an infinite capacity, but is neither easy in a World one.</font>  </font></p><p><font color="#0000ff">他表现出了应有的水平,更多时候他都是等待队友将球传到他脚下。表现的应该说并不算差。原本他可以表现得更好,因为他有这能力,然而想要在世界杯上有100%的发挥并不容易。</font></p><p><br/></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">事实上当时发生的就是,在那样情况下人们总是对他寄予太多的期望了,他踢得不错啦,但是他可以提供更多的魔术,因为罗米口袋里的魔法玩意是无穷无限的!但是毕竟这是世界杯,没那么容易:)</font></font></p>

绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 07:53:00

<p>非常非常感谢<font face="Verdana" color="#61b713"><strong>gg</strong><font color="#000000">的帮忙~已经更新了。</font></font></p><p><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713"><font color="#000000">没办法,我们三个都不懂西语,只好借助翻译器。哈哈,你懂西语是咩?</font><font color="#000000"> 呼唤西语高人帮忙改正!</font></font></p><p><font face="Verdana">哦,对了,这是原文地址:<a href="http://www.ole.com.ar/notas/2007/06/07/01433512.html">http://www.ole.com.ar/notas/2007/06/07/01433512.html</a></font></p><p>这一段,实在不知在讲什么……</p><p>-&iquest;Depende de los DT?<br/><br/>-Con algunos te sentís más identificado por lo que proponen. Pero poder superar eso, a veces, te hace mejor futbolista. Depende de uno... Yo venía del Tenerife y el primer a&ntilde;o en el Real ganamos la Liga, con Jorge (Valdano), jugando un fútbol exquisito. Luego vino Capello y quería algo totalmente distinto. Me dijo que me había visto y que pretendía otra cosa. Verticalidad y no tanta elaboración.</p><p></p>

tycoon 发表于 2007-6-20 08:24:00


燕然未勒 发表于 2007-6-20 09:06:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-20 9:06:39编辑过]

wyao_liu 发表于 2007-6-20 09:08:00


绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 09:28:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>燕然未勒</i>在2007-6-20 9:06:00的发言:</b><br/>王子对足球的认识果然精深过人啊~·<br/></div><p>是的,讨论了好多战术啊什么之类的。呵呵,翻到吐血啊~ 不过我觉得如果没有这些细节,这篇访谈就失色了,所以花了很多时间琢磨这些内容。</p>

续梦 发表于 2007-6-20 09:32:00

<p>辛苦了!</p><p>不过觉得这个英文怪怪的,看不太懂,我当初也是直接用机器把西文翻成英文的,但翻出来也不是这个样子。</p><p>有一些我认为的意思,可以说一下吧~~~</p><p><font color="#0000ff">当你回到布宜诺斯艾利斯的时候,你发觉球迷是支持你还是对你另眼相看? </font></p><p>这句我觉得是不是用“支持你还是反对你”比另眼相看好呢?</p><p>还有说野兽的第一句,王子的意思是不是说他认为野兽在任何球队里都能够踢得很好?</p>

无悔行者 发表于 2007-6-20 09:36:00


绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 09:41:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>续梦</i>在2007-6-20 9:32:00的发言:</b><br/><p>辛苦了!</p><p>不过觉得这个英文怪怪的,看不太懂,我当初也是直接用机器把西文翻成英文的,但翻出来也不是这个样子。</p><p>有一些我认为的意思,可以说一下吧~~~</p><p><font color="#0000ff">当你回到布宜诺斯艾利斯的时候,你发觉球迷是支持你还是对你另眼相看? </font></p><p>这句我觉得是不是用“支持你还是反对你”比另眼相看好呢?</p><p>还有说野兽的第一句,王子的意思是不是说他认为野兽在任何球队里都能够踢得很好?</p></div><p>特维斯那个第一句已经改过了。 </p><p>这个英文何止是怪简直就是火星文。 能把这种东西翻到这个程度,本文的两位翻译daijing和arg_crespo同学真是让我pf得五体投地(偶是监工,若干天的hsr压榨)&nbsp; </p><p>&nbsp;</p>

续梦 发表于 2007-6-20 09:57:00


oracle 发表于 2007-6-20 09:59:00


巴蒂东多 发表于 2007-6-20 10:03:00


绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 10:03:00

<p>可以理解啊。本来很有希望的一支队伍,可是可是……毕竟老马打了好几次世界杯,还拿到大力神杯。可对于王子来说,这是他参加的唯一一届世界杯~ 哎 <img alt="" src="http://bbs.argstorm.com/Skins/default/topicface/face16.gif"/></p><p></p>

chenjharg 发表于 2007-6-20 10:04:00


绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 10:10:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>巴蒂东多</i>在2007-6-20 10:03:00的发言:</b><br/>楼主辛苦了,支持一下,同时赞叹一下楼主的耐性.......</div><p></p>恩~这确实是对我耐心的考验&nbsp; 翻完上半部分,我们三人都翻不动下半部分了

oracle 发表于 2007-6-20 10:15:00


绿野 发表于 2007-6-20 10:20:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-20 10:21:12编辑过]
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