在生命中漫步 发表于 2007-4-2 09:37:00




.(2007-05-17)转会流言满天飞 [第 06 页 -- 第 90楼]

.(2007-05-18)特维斯:是有所改变的时候了 [第 06 页 -- 第 89楼]

.(2007-05-18)小马在红军很幸福 [第 06 页 -- 第 88楼]

.(2007-05-09)西汉姆的特维斯:与困难作斗争,其乐无穷! [第 06 页 -- 第 80楼]

.(2007-05-05)特维斯:“被麻烦围绕” [第 06 页 -- 第 79楼]

.(2007-05-04)特维斯:我会留下来 [第 05 页 -- 第 75楼]

.(2007-05-06)利物浦正在同野兽谈判,红魔蓝魔虎视眈眈 [第 05 页 -- 第 72楼]

.(2007-05-07)Egg、野兽、利物浦 [第 05 页 -- 第 71楼]

.(2007-05-03)西汉姆联和Joorabchian谈野兽的协议 [第 05 页 -- 第 68楼]

.(2007-05-01)五家俱乐部计划进行法律诉讼 [第 05 页 -- 第 65楼]

.(2007-04-30)西汉姆新闻(野兽的留队可能及其它球队对于处罚的看法) [第 05 页 -- 第 63、64楼]

.(2007-04-28)Tevez not feeling guilty --- 特维斯问心无愧 [第 04 页 -- 第 57楼]

.(2007-04-28)ET关于听证会结果的谈话 [第 03 页 -- 第 43楼]

.(2007-04-28)调查终结束 保级靠自己 [第 03 页 -- 第 42楼]

.(2007-04-26)特维斯:“我们从来没有引起过麻烦”--- Tevez: We didn't cause problems(Sky Sports) [第 03 页 -- 第 39楼]

.(2007-04-22)普茨茅斯主帅雷德克纳普“我喜欢特维斯。”--- Redknapp a Tevez fan(Sky Sports) [第 03 页 -- 第 35楼]

.(2007-04-20)拉法的自责(利物浦官网消息) [第 03 页 -- 第 34楼]

.(2007-04-18)小马表达对贝老头的敬重(利物浦官网消息) [第 02 页 -- 第 22楼]

.(2007-04-16)科林蒂安斯新帅谈特维斯回归的传闻 --- Corinthians eye Tevez return [第 02 页 -- 第 19楼]

.(2007-04-12)贝帅谈欧冠半决赛 [第 02 页 -- 第 18楼]

.(2007-04-08)小马感谢利物浦把他带离西汉姆联 --- Javier thankful for Reds chance [第 02 页 -- 第 16楼]

.(2007-04-05)野兽近三天的新闻总述 [第 01 页 -- 第 13楼]

.(2007-04-02)怪物马斯切 [第 01 页 -- 第 9楼]

.(2007-04-03)特维斯: 厄普敦公园的头牌明星 [第 01 页 -- 第 8楼]

.(2007-04-01)他会超越前辈 [第 01 页 -- 第 6楼]

.(2006-11 至 2007-03 新闻集)




口号:All for one, One for all!



[ 本帖最后由 在生命中漫步 于 2008-12-18 08:29 编辑 ]

oracle 发表于 2007-4-2 10:15:00

<p><strong>West Ham boss Alan Curbishley has admitted if they want to keep Carlos Tevez they have to stay up.</strong></p><p><strong>好消息哇</strong></p>

夜莺 发表于 2007-4-2 15:34:00

<p>谁还叫他“扫帚星”?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 时间:2007-4-2 11:14:00 来源:体坛周报 作者:林良锋 <br/>&nbsp;<br/>利物浦主场4比1大胜阿森纳,克劳奇连中三元,光芒四射。如果不仔细看,你不大会意识到双方场上各少了一人:客队的进攻核心法布雷加斯罕见地“失踪”了,尽管西班牙人说起要好好休息,但在场上就昏睡过去不大容易。</p><p>小法在场上没有一脚射门,甚至没有几脚像样的传球。“陪”他一块消失的是谁?马斯切拉诺,鉴于阿根廷人有“火星人”的绰号,他的隐形更带有几分神秘的色彩。话说回来,如果你发现利物浦的阵型是4141,没准会多留意马斯切拉诺几眼,他就是后防线前面的那个“幺”。这是他加盟利物浦以来,最突出的一次发挥。</p><p>马斯切拉诺是中卫的理想伴侣,他和已近暮年的马克莱莱球风相近,都是那种在关键时刻现身化险为夷的工兵。法国人来英超这么些年英国人始终学不会他的打法,看看英超那些踢防守中场的球员,大部分是身材高大、如狼似虎的打手。马斯切拉诺不一样,他除了在拦截上令人吃惊的凶悍(对比他的身材),对控制节奏和调度尤其有心得——那是防守中场这个角色的至高境界。他因为才智出众,得了个“小老板”的绰号。早在2003年初,南美青年锦标赛上,马斯切拉诺就是阿根廷队中的佼佼者,连河床都还没来得及给他机会在一队表演,几个月后,阿根廷一队就召他去和乌拉圭热身。</p><p>不过,河床主席另外给他起了绰号:火星人。他不怕疼,仿佛天外来客。那是一场南美解放者杯比赛,对方一脚飞铲正中他的肋骨,当时的情形严重得让许多旁观者都为他将来的福祉担心。但在场边稍事包扎后他又重新投入比赛,还将身上的绷带一把扯下——嫌它们碍事。河床的球迷见状都疯了——有种!</p><p>加盟西汉姆联,他多少被视作是特维斯的嫁妆,好在后者思乡时有个伴。他总共在西汉姆联踢了7场比赛,奇的是7场都输光!这就让走投无路的俱乐部看他不顺眼了。踢防守中场毕竟和踢前锋日子不一样,输球,特别是场场他上都输,即使不是水平问题,也很容易被看作是颗“扫帚星”。马斯切拉诺也受够了,他宁愿去尤文图斯踢意乙,也比呆在伦敦强。报纸把他的心思炒了出去,尤文图斯对他很有好感,只等合适的时间提货。一天,马斯切拉诺位于伦敦码头区的住宅响起了敲门声,开门一看:贝尼特斯!</p><p>贝尼特斯进门劈头就问:为什么不选利物浦?接下来的4个小时,说着母语的贝尼特斯滔滔不绝;4个小时后,“火星人”被地球人迷惑住了,他改变了主意:我要加盟利物浦。“小老板”来安菲尔德,踢哪个位置?贝尼特斯拿起小马哥桌上的彩石比划起来:你和阿隆索搭档!</p><p>这就是大胜阿森纳的排阵。尽管西索科的拦截能力一流,但和马斯切拉诺相比,他在控制攻防节奏上有着明显的差距。贝尼特斯有了西索科仍亲自登门邀贤,足以说明阿根廷人对利物浦的价值,“像他这样的球员我们不多,只有阿隆索是这样的人,杰拉德和西索科都喜欢突前。”</p><p>&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp;<br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 15:36:22编辑过]

是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-2 16:13:00


夜莺 发表于 2007-4-2 20:11:00

<p></p><p><font color="#22dd22"><font color="#44bb44"><strong>他会超越前辈&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 摘自&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tribalfooball.com - April 01, 2007</strong></font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></p><p>克比实利是这样说阿根廷前锋特维斯—他会成为铁锤帮的一个传奇人物,如果能带领球队保级一定会超越迪卡尼奥(前西汉姆的核心球员,意大利人,2002-03赛季英超西汉姆降入英甲,迪卡尼奥留下队长的袖标转会查尔顿 )成为西汉姆的英雄。</p><p>周末的联赛特维斯一传一射让西汉姆迎来了连胜。</p><p>“我想在几周前,特维斯就意识到了一切都得靠自己来改变。现在没有人可以指责他,他已经尽力做到每件事并获得了不错的回报。希望他能在剩下的几场比赛中继续带领球队前进。”</p><p>“如果将来他不得不离开球队而留在英超踢球,相信这样对他会更好的。”</p><p>就像迪卡尼奥,特维斯已经成为安普敦公园的新闻人物,当然他的勤奋努力也值得球迷去喜爱。“当我第一次来到这里时,他被放在了板凳上,球迷们因此一直为他不停的唱歌,当时我的压力真的很大。”</p><p>特维斯若能帮助球队保级,他也将有可能留在西汉姆,科比实利补充道:“当年迪卡尼奥曾扮演过这样的角色,现在我们要看看特维斯会在安普敦球场留多久。”“如果我们想要继续留住特维斯,那我们必须得是一只英超球队。”</p><p></p><p>..<br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-5 16:38:02编辑过]

batilam 发表于 2007-4-3 01:10:00

<p><strong><font color="#800080" size="4">利物浦4231新阵堪称恐怖 如此中场三人组欧洲亦罕见</font></strong></p><p>记者陆逸报道 在上周六对阵<a href="javascript:qdzl_jt(567)">阿森纳</a>的“复仇之战”前,本尼蒂斯出人意料地放了一次烟幕弹。他告知媒体,即使出任中场的<a href="javascript:qyzl_jt(21025)">杰拉德</a>在<a href="javascript:qdzl_jt(433)">安道尔</a>一战中成了梅开二度的英雄,红军队长可能还是要屈居右路。但当比赛前出场名单公布时,恐怕温格也要大吃一惊:4231,本尼蒂斯第一次将阿隆索、马斯切拉诺和杰拉德三名中场球员首发派遣上场,队长位置突前,拖在克劳奇身后充当攻击性中前卫。而这一变阵也收到奇效。在强大中场的支援下,克劳奇上演帽子戏法,压倒性地战胜阿森纳。<br/><br/>  在周五的训练场,本尼蒂斯单独把队长拉到一边谈话:“我和他谈了和安道尔的比赛,也都知道关于他的位置肯定会有争论。但是他知道我的想法,就是要为球队牺牲一些东西。杰拉德很聪明,他知道作为一个教练的立场,就是要将球员放到他认为最适合的位置。我得考虑到整个球队的平衡。上个赛季他在右路的位置为球队进了23个球,所以如果他在中路也为球队进23个球后,可能我们还会讨论这个话题。我和他在位置上没什么争论。”这番言论指向明确,除了右路和板凳,队长几乎别无选择。但本尼蒂斯似乎已成竹在胸,彭南特在右路日渐成熟,传球和跑动都渐具自信。安菲尔德,杰拉德站在了最喜欢的位置。不过连续征战后,杰拉德并不在最佳状态,最好的一次机会来自第53分钟冈萨雷斯接奥雷利奥的直塞快速下底传中,队长在禁区中路接球推射,但是角度太正被莱曼轻松没收。之后,杰拉德明显力有不逮,很快被库伊特换下,重回442老路。《泰晤士报》戏称:“从前被替换下场时都是耀眼的队长,今天可是平凡的队长。”在安道尔之战后就称腿部肌肉紧张的杰拉德基本无大碍。本尼蒂斯说:“杰拉德伤势不严重,(提前替换下场)只是在保护球员。”<br/><br/>  而比赛真正出彩的,是阿隆索和马斯切拉诺组合。仅仅是联赛第二次代表<a href="javascript:qdzl_jt(279)">利物浦</a>首发出场,<a href="javascript:gj_jt(57)">阿根廷</a>人的表现已经折服舰队街。他在中场和阿隆索两人玩命似的抢断,让阿森纳的进攻屡屡受挫。半场时,利物浦的成功抢断就已高达22次。赛后,天空体育给马斯切拉诺打出8分的高分,称其“重要的抢断”,更有意思的是《泰晤士报》:“马斯切拉诺在中场就像在机场的嗅探犬,法布里加斯和德尼尔森则像口袋里装有违禁品的走私犯一样被追逐。”阿根廷人的拦截能力一直为本尼蒂斯所倚重,也是他亲自造访伦敦码头商住区力邀马斯切拉诺的主要原因。在阿森纳一战前,他称马斯切拉诺他日必成大器:“他无论是控球,抢断和反抢都十分出色。除了传球好以外,他也会积极跑位协助队友,找到更好传球线路。现在在队中,马斯切拉诺的确是不可多得的人才,在这个控球中场的位置上,只有阿隆索可以胜任。杰拉德和西索科都喜欢往前场跑。”<br/><br/>  阿隆索的表现同样可圈可点。第二个进球来自阿隆索的经验。当杜尔还在中场因为犯规和裁判喋喋不休,阿隆索就已经迅速开出任意球,奥雷利奥传中,克劳奇在失去位置的杜尔面前将球顶进。也难怪教授盛怒:“今天的防守糟糕得可怕!”赛后本尼蒂斯也认为,克劳奇表现固然好,“但是,中场马斯切拉诺和阿隆索的表现也堪称完美。” </p>

PICCER 发表于 2007-4-3 14:33:00

<p><strong>特维斯: 厄普敦公园的头牌明星</strong></p><p><strong>2007年4月3日</strong></p><p>CARLOS Tevez can go one better than Paolo di Canio by becoming the West Ham hero who saves the club from relegation.</p><p>Di Canio is an Upton Park legend despite failing to save the Hammers in 2003, while Tevez's goals and graft have at least given them a chance of survival this season after looking certainties for the drop a month ago.</p><p>Hammers boss Alan Curbishley has seen the same defiance in both players, although di Canio's came after he left West Ham and joined Charlton.</p><p>While at The Valley under Curbishley, di Canio was driven by the target of Charlton's highest Premiership finish before returning to Italy.</p><p>With West Ham five points from safety with seven games to play, Tevez's future at Upton Park beyond this season is uncertain but the Argentina forward has taken up the challenge of keeping the club in the top flight.</p><p>'When di Canio was with me at Charlton and he found out that the top seven was the highest position the club has ever been, he was determined in how he was going to leave Charlton,' said Curbishley.</p><p>'If Carlos is determined that he's going to leave us in the Premiership then it'll be great.'</p><p>Tevez made Bobby Zamora's opener against Middlesbrough and scored the other in the most straightforward win of West Ham's eventful season.</p><p><b>ENTERTAINER</b></p><p>In the mould of di Canio, Tevez has become the entertainer of Upton Park, although his workrate has also endeared him to the fans.</p><p>'He decided five or six weeks ago that this is the way forward and the others have followed,' said the Hammers boss.</p><p>Curbishley has encouraged Tevez to be more direct following a six-month goal drought after signing from Corinthians earlier in the season.</p><p>'When I first came here he was on the bench and the crowd were singing for him. It put a bit of pressure on,' said Curbishley.</p><p>'Every time he gets it now it's further up the field and he's caused problems.'</p><p>Should Tevez keep West Ham in the Premiership, he could also have the chance of staying at Upton Park, with Curbishley adding: 'Di Canio did it over a period of time and everyone took him on board.</p><p>'We'll have to see how long Carlos is here for.</p><p>'For us to even think about anything (like keeping him), I think we'd have to be a Premiership club.'</p><p>With Sheffield United and Wigan losing, West Ham's back-to-back victories offer hope of survival.</p><p>Despite facing Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United in their run-in, full-back Lucas Neill is seeing confidence grow in the squad.</p><p>He said: 'At the moment we've got a little bit of momentum and some belief.</p><p>'It's important at this stage of the season that we're positive.</p><p>'The boys are believing now that they're going into each game and can get something, which is a nice feeling.</p><p>'It's going to be an interesting run-in. With the fans we've got we can use them as our 12th man, then we have a fantastic chance.'</p><p>Curbishley agreed, adding: 'I think there'll be a few more twists.</p><p>'One or two others are coming under pressure.'</p><p>Boro boss Gareth Southgate is wary of his side's season fizzling out as they creep over the 40-point mark.</p><p>'Next season starts now,' he said. 'We're not on our holidays.'</p><p>Southgate also backed Stewart Downing to cope with jeering from fans for his part in England's lacklustre displays in the international break.</p><p>'He's big enough to deal with it,' Southgate added.</p>

夜莺 发表于 2007-4-3 15:37:00

<p><img height="116" src="http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/images4/npx_prebarca_rafa_379_01.jpg" width="379" border="0" alt=""/></p><p><strong><font color="#44bb44">怪物马斯切&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tribalfooball.com - April 02, 2007</font></strong>

夜莺 发表于 2007-4-3 15:41:00


是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-3 16:02:00

<p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#da2549">夜莺</font></strong>,莫烦,莫烦。这就是英狗仔的特色啊。</p><p>科比什利的同一翻话,给不同的媒体,居然就能写出了N篇不同的文章来了(可想而知啦~_~。)。</p><p>PS:小小声说,你老人家看着高兴的,就都翻一翻就好了。</p><p>拉法的这句“想想,现在的他已经代表阿根廷国家队出场了22次,这足以说明他的能力,在英国像他这样出场过如此多的球员也是寥寥无几啊,<font color="#ff0000">何况</font>那可是人才济济梦幻般的阿根廷国家队。”真是至理名言啊(就是不知道会不会被英迷扁。)!</p>

夜莺 发表于 2007-4-3 16:09:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>是漫步非跑步</i>在2007-4-3 16:02:00的发言:</b><br/><p>PS:大大声说,我老人家哪篇看了都高兴,就是翻起来痛苦,就像蝌蚪变青蛙</p></div><p></p>

夜莺 发表于 2007-4-5 16:30:00

<div class="articleImage"><img id="aIMGid" alt="" src="http://images.skysports.com/images/playerpics06_07/Premiership/WestHam/magnusson_press.jpg"/></div><div class="header"><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font color="#44bb44" size="4">新闻总述</font>&nbsp; </h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font face="" size="3">(一) 西汉姆主席马格鲁森,在野兽连续进球的良好状态下,表达了下赛季仍然想留住野兽的渴望。</font></h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font face="" size="3">他说:“他已经取得了巨大的成功,现在为了我们的保级他正在全力以赴,如果可能的话,当然希望下赛季留住他。但他的所有权并不再我们这里。”“现在的特维斯已经越来越适应英超赛场了,我一直都说的他会进球的并且会进很多的球。”</font></h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font face="" size="3">(二)随着野兽的状态恢复,引来了无数的赞扬,包括他的对手</font></h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font face="" size="3">4月4日, 上场比赛中米德尔斯堡的后卫伍德盖德说:“他是个非常棒的球员,只是需要时间来适应这里,等到适应期过了他会成为英超的顶级球星的。很高兴能和他同场竞技,但这个强壮的家伙真的很难对付。西汉姆的球迷这个赛季好好享受他的比赛吧。”</font></h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font face="" size="3">(三)利物浦寻找前锋—野兽? </font></h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font face="" size="3"><font face="">最近美国老板和主教练拉法进行了会晤,共商球队的未来的大计,除了球场建设,另一个就是将在夏季转会市场购买高水平球员,估计总支出达4000万英镑。当务之急就是购买高水平的前锋,虽然在前段时间刚刚预订了现在效力于德甲的乌克兰前锋沃勒宁,但还不足以弥补球队现在稍显疲软的锋线,可能的目标有四位:巴萨的埃托奥(已经和利物浦进行过联系);瓦伦的 比利亚;德甲的科洛则; 最后就是西汉姆的特维斯。</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/></font></h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font size="3">(四)英足联宣布成立由三人组成的陪审团负责调查有关马兽转会西汉姆的事宜。这三个人是Simon Bourne-金融和商业欺诈方面的专业律师,Lord Herman Ouseley –Let's Kick Racism Out of Football组织(即反对足球的种族主义)的主席,David Dent- 曾是一名英足总纪律委员会陪审员。陪审团将在4月26和27号商讨决定西汉姆是否在转会中违反联盟的U.18 和 B.13条款。U.18 禁止第三方通过控制球员的所有权来干涉俱乐部的运作,B.13 规定俱乐部在与其他俱乐部和联赛中因该履行最大诚信。</font></h2><h2 class="sIFR-replaced"><font size="3">与此同时,西汉姆的Robert Green表达了相信球队可以保级成功的信念。同时展望了本周末与阿森纳的比赛。</font></h2><p class="sIFR-replaced"></p><p class="sIFR-replaced"></p></div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-5 21:02:35编辑过]

是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-2 09:44:00

<p><strong>2007-04-01</strong></p><p>译文:</p><p align="center"><strong>科比什利希望特维斯能留下</strong></p><p></p><p>西汉姆联主教练承认如果要留下特维斯必须在西汉姆联保级成功的情况下。</p><p>原文:</p><h2 align="center">Curbs hopes for Tevez stay</h2><div class="subarticleHead" align="center">By Peter ORourke -&nbsp; Created on 1 Apr 2007</div><p class="big"><strong>West Ham boss Alan Curbishley has admitted if they want to keep Carlos Tevez they have to stay up.</strong><br/>&nbsp;</p><p class="subarticleHead">Tevez is leading West Ham's survival bid with three goals in his last three games helping the side to two wins. </p><p class="subarticleHead">The Argentine has been a revelation in recent weeks after a difficult start to his Hammers career and he was the star of the show in Saturday's win over Middlesbrough scoring one goal and creating the other for Bobby Zamora.</p><p class="subarticleHead">Curbishley believes Tevez's more direct approach is paying off for him and he believes if he can help them stay up he could remain at Upton Park. </p><p class="subarticleHead">"He decided five or six weeks ago that this is the way forward and the others have followed," said Curbishley. </p><p class="subarticleHead">"When I first came here he was on the bench and the crowd were singing for him. It put a bit of pressure on. </p><p class="subarticleHead">"Every time he gets it now it's further up the field and he's caused problems. </p><p class="subarticleHead">"For us to even think about anything (like keeping him), I think we'd have to be a Premiership club." </p><p class="subarticleHead">Curbishley also believes that the relegation fight is far from over predicting a few more twists and turns before the season is over. </p><p class="subarticleHead">"I think there'll be a few more twists. One or two others are coming under pressure."</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-2 10:03:22编辑过]

是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-7 11:52:00

<p><strong>2007-04-06</strong></p><p align="center"><strong>贝尼特斯专访中谈到小马部份的内容</strong></p><p align="center"><font color="#0000ff">转载至:</font>利物浦中文资讯 <font color="#0000ff">新闻编辑:</font>chanbabbel <font color="#0000ff">来源:</font>利物浦英文官网</p><p>......</p><p><strong>也许马斯切拉诺在周末(对雷丁的比赛)又可以得到展示自己的机会。我们之前曾经提到过这个话题,不过现在他已经彻底融入球队了,不是吗?<br/></strong>  当他还在西汉姆联预备队打比赛的时候,<span style="DISPLAY: none;">n</span>我们曾观察过他的表现。我们对他很有信心,而他也展现出了自己的个性。</p><p><br/>  <b>他看起来非常开心……</b><br/>  他很开心,因为他可以打上比赛;他很开心,因为他的英语正在不断进步;他很开心,因为人们开始尊重他的表现。当你年仅22岁就入选了世界上最优秀的国家队之一时,你的确配得上这份尊重。</p><p><b>你能解释为什么前后两名英超主帅都无法释放出他的最大能量呢?</b><br/>  因为我的西班牙语比他们好!我可以用母语向他解释一些问题,并且,也许我们的足球风格更适合他的发挥。</p><p>......</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-7 11:59:09编辑过]

是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-8 08:54:00

<p><strong>2007-04-07</strong></p><p align="left">不会吧,如果降级了也想留人啊???(PS:谁能告诉我,我有没有看错意思啊?)</p><p align="center">&nbsp;<img src="http://images.skysports.com/images/playerpics06_07/Premiership/WestHam/carlos.jpg" border="0" alt=""/></p><h2 align="center">Curbs keen on Tevez deal</h2><div class="subarticleHead" align="center" twffan="done">By Alex Dunn -&nbsp; Created on 7 Apr 2007</div><div class="subarticleHead" twffan="done">&nbsp;</div><div class="subarticleHead" twffan="done"><p class="big"><strong>Alan Curbishley would be keen to sign Carlos Tevez on a permanent basis, even if West Ham fail to stave off the threat of the drop this season.</strong>
                </p><p>After initially struggling to adapt to the robust demands of the Premiership upon his surprise arrival from Brazilian club Corinthians, Tevez has in recent weeks demonstrated his true capabilities after scoring in each of West Ham's last three games.</p><p>His personal renaissance has coincided with West Ham's, but while it may be a case of too little too late, Curbishley has not given up&nbsp;hope&nbsp;of being able to call on the diminutive Argentine next season. </p><p>West Ham chairman Eggert Magnusson has conceded the player's price may&nbsp;prove too steep given he is owned by Media Sports Investments, with the likes of Liverpool and Juventus also purported to be interested, but Curbishley is convinced Tevez could still be&nbsp;plying his trade at Upton Park beyond the current campaign. </p><p>"Carlos is effectively here to the end of the season and there is a facility to sign him, but I think that facility is for other clubs as well," Curbishley told the Daily Express. </p><p>"We'll have to see what happens in the summer. But I don't know about us only being able to sign him if we're in the Premiership. </p><p>"West Ham are a big club, as I've learnt even more since I've been here. </p><p>"It's been a confidence thing with Carlos. It's only three games ago that he scored his first goal, but now you can see the lift he has had. </p><p>"He appreciates the fans' support and enjoys it."</p></div>

是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-8 21:54:00

<p><strong>2007-04-08</strong> (sky sports)</p><p>小马感谢利物浦把他带离西汉姆联。</p><h2 align="center">Javier thankful for Reds chance</h2><div class="subarticleHead" align="center" twffan="done">By James Pearson -&nbsp; Created on 8 Apr 2007</div><div class="subarticleHead" twffan="done"></div><div class="subarticleHead" twffan="done"><p class="big"><strong>Javier Mascherano is thankful Liverpool rescued him from his West Ham United nightmare.</strong>
                </p><p>The Argentine ace joined The Hammers last August but failed to make any impression at Upton Park. </p><p>Mascherano joined The Reds on loan in January and is keen to prove he can be a success in England.</p><p>"God knows when I would have played football again had I stayed there," he said in the News of the World. </p><p>"It has been very tough because I knew I wasn't going to play any more games at West Ham and I thank Liverpool for coming in for me. </p><p>"I wondered what would happen to my career - at my age I need to be playing. I asked myself 1,000 times why did I agree to go to West Ham. </p><p>"Now I owe it to myself and the world to show that I am good enough to play in the Premier League."</p></div>

PICCER 发表于 2007-4-9 11:34:00

<h1>切尔西引援目标惊人变更 马拉多纳式精灵顶替克雷斯波</h1><div class="from_info">http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年04月09日10:51&nbsp; <font color="#a20010">新浪体育</font></div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><div class="artibody" id="artibody"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><center><img alt="切尔西引援目标惊人变更马拉多纳式精灵顶替克雷斯波" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/g/2007-04-09/U1155P6T12D2858062F44DT20070409105106.jpg" border="1"/><br/><img height="5" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/home/c.gif" width="1" style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none;" alt=""/><br/><strong>特维斯奔向豪门 <br/><br/></strong></center><p><strong>  新浪体育讯 克雷斯波与切尔西还在拔河,球员本人和国米都表明“死守态度”。曼奇尼说:“克雷斯波在国米未来计划之中,我们希望他留下。”按照合同规定,切尔西可以强行收回球员,但是强人所难只是下下策,上策自然是买下多方情愿的目标。</strong></p><p><strong>  谁能成为克雷斯波合格的“替身”?《世界新闻报》曝光一个令人吃惊的名字:特维斯。阿根廷人3月份非常红,三场英超场场进球还有2次助攻,西汉姆保级前景在特维斯和球员们的集体爆发下起死回生,32轮之后距离倒数第四名查尔顿只有2分差距。</strong></p><p><strong>  据悉西汉姆拒绝启动出售特维斯的谈判,但是特维斯的问题有点棘手,他的所有权在霍拉布钦手中,如果西汉姆要将特维斯“铆定”在厄普森公园球场,就可能要接受对方2500万英镑的开价,然而这个价钱即便西汉姆保级成功,也是无法接受的。《世界新闻报》文章称“第三方可能介入,商量将特维斯带到斯坦福桥的可能”,就像马斯切拉诺冬天加盟<span class="yqlink">
                                        <a class="akey" title="利物浦" href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C0%FB%CE%EF%C6%D6" target="_blank"><font color="#000099">利物浦</font></a></span>一样。</strong></p><p><strong>  特维斯属于阿布喜欢的天才型球员,年龄只有23岁,适合切尔西长远计划,特维斯与队友马斯切拉诺“惊人转会”投靠西汉姆之前,蓝军也是他的“绯闻东家”之一。不过特维斯身后复杂的所有权关系搅乱了这笔交易可能,让这名阿根廷天才游离在豪门之外,不仅与欧洲赛场无缘,还只能为保级拼命。如今这位被成为“最像马拉多纳”的阿根廷天才能“拨乱反正”吗?今年夏天必然会有结果。</strong></p></div>

夜莺 发表于 2007-4-12 20:13:00

<p><font color="#33cc33"><strong>贝帅谈欧冠半决赛</strong></font>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;摘自&nbsp;&nbsp; <span lang="EN-US"><font face="Times New Roman">icliverpool</font></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>随着高佬克劳奇的一脚,红军带着4:0的比分轻松闯入了欧冠的半决赛。而他们的对手将是同为英超球队的蓝军切尔西。历史就像回到了2005年的欧冠半决赛,到底是蓝军复仇成功还是红军让历史重演,再过些日子答案就会出来了。</p><p>拉法说“我们以前是好朋友,但当我们打败他后,一切就变了。”“何塞和他打败的主帅关系都很好,但是和顶级球队的主帅就常常时战火不断。”“我们对于彼此的球队都很熟悉,他们是个很难以对付的球队。不过作为教练,我相信我们会战胜他们。”“如果你想打入决赛那一定要拥有之一优秀的球队,切尔西就是这样,他们会为此全力以赴的。”“半决赛第二回合,我们将回到主场,所以在斯坦福桥我们会尽力做些事,那样回到主场就会取得一定的优势。”“但是,我们首先还是要考虑确保联赛前四,然后才是切尔西。”“半决赛中共有三只英超的球队,曼联和切尔西都很强大,这足以看出现在的英超是欧洲最好的联赛。”</p><p><font color="#2bd52b"><strong>ps: 半决赛赛程 </strong></font></p><p>2007-4-25<br/>Man Utd v AC Milan, 02:45</p><p>2007-4-26<br/>Chelsea v Liverpool,02:45 (客场)</p><p>2007-5-2<br/>Liverpool v Chelsea, 02:45&nbsp;(主场) </p><p><br/>2007-5-3<br/>AC Milan v Man Utd, 02:45<br/></p><p></p><p><br/></p>

是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-17 09:47:00

<p><strong>2007-04-16</strong></p><p>译文:</p><p align="center"><strong><font size="3"><img alt="" src="http://images.skysports.com/images/playerpics06_07/Premiership/WestHam/tevez_slide.jpg" border="0"/><br/>科林蒂安斯新帅谈特维斯回归的传闻</font></strong></p><p><font size="3">虽然近期特维斯对外表达了自己希望与西汉姆联共进退的想法,但因为其复杂的所有权问题及西汉姆联本身不断出现的麻烦,在外界看来特维斯的未来并不明了甚至不可控。</font></p><p><font size="3">而特维斯有可能重回老东家巴西俱乐部科林蒂斯的传闻也被越来越多的提起,对此,科林蒂安斯新近任命的球队主教练--Paulo Cesar Carpegiani 也在最新的访问中表达了自己对此的想法。“如果他(特维斯)能回来那很好,但我刚被俱乐部任命,所以我还没找到机会跟他聊过这事。而且现在我们也没有时间来做这些事,但对于任何的优秀球员俱乐部都是欢迎的。”</font></p><p>------------------------------------------------------</p><p>原文:</p><h2 align="center">Corinthians eye Tevez return</h2><div class="subarticleHead" align="center">By Tom Adams -&nbsp; Created on 16 Apr 2007</div><p class="big"><strong>Corinthians' new coach Paulo Cesar Carpegiani has admitted he would be keen to bring Carlos Tevez back to Brazil. </strong></p><p class="subarticleHead">Tevez left Corinthians to join West Ham in August, along with Javier Mascherano, in a transfer that stunned world football.</p><p class="subarticleHead">Whilst Mascherano has since joined Liverpool on loan after a dismal time at Upton Park, Tevez has played his way into the hearts of Hammers fans with a number of committed displays despite the London club's troubles. </p><p class="subarticleHead">However, substantial doubts remain over his long-term future due to the fact he is owned by MSI - a situation that has prompted a Premier League investigation - and the danger of West Ham being relegated. </p><p class="subarticleHead">Now Carpegiani, who was appointed as Emerson Leao's successor on Sunday, has conceded he would love to see Tevez back at the club even if he has not yet instigated any contact with the player or his club. </p><p class="subarticleHead">"(Tevez's return) would be great, but I haven't asked the board about him because I was appointed very quickly," Carpegiani told TV Bandeirantes. </p><p class="subarticleHead">"We haven't had time to talk about signings, but every great player will always be welcomed." </p><p class="subarticleHead">Tevez was named as the Brazilian league's best player in 2005 - no mean feat for an Argentinian - and, in the same year,&nbsp;became only the second star to win the South American Player of the Year award three seasons in a row.</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-17 10:10:42编辑过]

oracle 发表于 2007-4-17 10:13:00

<p>&nbsp;<strong>he has not yet instigated any contact with the player or his club.</strong>
        </p><p><strong>"(Tevez's return) would be great, but I haven't asked the board about him because I was appointed very quickly,"</strong>
        </p><p class="subarticleHead"></p><p>只是想法而已 “<strong>but every great player will always be welcomed.”就是介郭心态。</strong></p><p><strong>绝对不能回巴西阿,在那里实在没什么追求了,该拿的都拿了。8过一切都是未知数。</strong></p><p><strong>ps.yy一哈,据说教授对tevez感兴趣</strong></p>

是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-17 10:35:00


oracle 发表于 2007-4-18 11:52:00

<p>&nbsp;<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="487" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="med" valign="middle" width="357"><p><b>Javier Mascherano has spoken of his respect for the tactical nous of Rafa Benitez, claiming the Liverpool manager is almost psychic with some of his predictions. </b></p><p><b><img height="80" alt="" src="http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/images4/prop070223_rb_jm_120_2.jpg" width="120" twffan="done"/><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></b></p></td></tr><tr><td class="med" valign="top" width="487" bgcolor="#ffffff" colspan="2"><p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->The Argentinian midfielder says the boss makes it easy for his team by stating in advance what opposition players are going to do. <br/>&nbsp; <br/>"What I admire the most about Rafa is that, before a match, if he says that something is going to happen, that thing happens," the 22-year-old told icons.com. <br/>&nbsp; <br/>"He knows what a player is going to do before he does it and that is a great advantage for any player who has listened to him. It allows us to prove him right on the pitch, knowing what he's told us before." <br/>&nbsp; <br/>Mascherano also made clear his determination to repay the faith Benitez has shown in him following a difficult spell at West Ham. <br/>&nbsp; <br/>"When Rafa Benitez praised me recently it was a boost, but he always gives me great confidence anyway," he said. <br/>&nbsp; <br/>"I know that I can't let him down because he risked a lot by looking after me when I hadn't played for four months. Rafa knows what I can give to the team and in what areas of the pitch I produce my best performances, so I try and do my best for him every time I am picked." <br/>&nbsp; <br/>Meanwhile, Liverpool's number 20 admits he is already dreaming of lifting the Champions League trophy in Athens. <br/>&nbsp; <br/>"Are we going to win the Champions League? I hope so, but in this kind of tournament it is difficult to predict anything. If one night you get off on the wrong foot in a match and play bad - you can lose everything. <br/>&nbsp; <br/>"We feel very close to each other and are dreaming of reaching the final this year." <br/></p><p>管网上的一篇文章,大意如下:</p></td></tr></tbody></table></p><p>小马表达了对战术大师rafa的敬意,表示贝老头预言总很准。</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; 我最佩服rafa的是赛前他说会发生什么,什么就会发生。&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;他知道球员将会做什么,在事情发生之前。对每一&nbsp;个听话的球员来说这都是非常有益的。我们在球场上一再证明他事先告诉我们的正确性 。</p><p>小马不忘明志要报答贝老头 在他经历了西汉姆的困难&nbsp; 后给与他的信任。</p><p>近来贝帅对我的表扬是 一种动力,当然他一直在赋予我自信。 我知道我不能让他失望,在我四个月没有打比赛的情况下眷顾我需要顶着很大压力。老头知道我能球队带来什么以及如何对我的位置定位才能让我有最好的发挥。&nbsp; 所以每次被选中我都会拼尽全力。</p><p>同时,利物浦的20号承认他渴望在雅典举起冠军联赛奖杯。&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;我们会赢得冠军杯?希望如此,但是在这种杯赛里很难预料到会发生什么。如果一天晚上,你 比赛中状态全无(缺乏文学细胞,8知道怎么译),发挥很差,你就会失去一切。</p><p>我们觉得彼此非常亲密,今年我们梦想能笑到最后。</p><p><br/><font color="#ff0000" size="4">小马溜须了</font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-18 13:13:56编辑过]

oracle 发表于 2007-4-18 11:54:00


是漫步非跑步 发表于 2007-4-18 13:00:00


oracle 发表于 2007-4-18 13:17:00

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