lynn821 发表于 2007-2-16 18:12:00


<p>jaassa在他的論壇提到有些傷心,因為下載的人多,但回應的太少</p><p>想停止視頻發佈了,我想大家去鼓勵他一下,雖然要使用英文,但簡單幾句就可以了,</p><p>拜託大家!!</p><p>以下是進入論壇的步驟</p><p>1.點以下網頁</p><p>2.先注冊</p><p>3.找 soccer video -> video compilations -> a mega juan roman riquelme comp 就是jaassa的論壇</p><p>網頁地址:</p><p><a target="_blank" href=""></a></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-16 12:16:34编辑过]

清忆 发表于 2007-2-16 18:29:00


shenjingxixi 发表于 2007-2-16 18:29:00


lynn821 发表于 2007-2-16 18:43:00


shenjingxixi 发表于 2007-2-16 18:45:00


shenjingxixi 发表于 2007-2-16 18:47:00

但是我下载不了<u><font color="#630202">megaupload 。</font></u>

lynn821 发表于 2007-2-16 18:51:00


shenjingxixi 发表于 2007-2-16 18:53:00


清忆 发表于 2007-2-16 18:54:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-16 19:01:26编辑过]

夜莺 发表于 2007-2-16 19:21:00

谢谢楼主! 已经注册了,坚决支持

2449Joey 发表于 2007-2-16 19:54:00


上兵伐谋 发表于 2007-2-16 20:29:00


清忆 发表于 2007-2-16 20:31:00


上兵伐谋 发表于 2007-2-16 20:49:00


kenny_1214 发表于 2007-2-16 20:56:00


思嘉 发表于 2007-2-16 23:44:00


征西将军 发表于 2007-2-17 00:17:00


杜查 发表于 2007-2-17 00:24:00

<font face="Verdana" color="#000000">在lynn821mm悉心指导下,任务终于艰巨完成。看到好多风暴xdjm的英文留言,忽然很是感动,像是很有意义的一次集体行动!再一次真诚的赞美楼主!(P:第一次是在心里面的~)</font>

征西将军 发表于 2007-2-17 00:40:00

<p>看了jassa 的留言, 他激动啦  呵呵 ]</p><p>肯定想不到中国有这么一群和他志同道合的人</p>

lynn821 发表于 2007-2-17 00:44:00

<p>風暴的xdjm真的熱誠極了!!</p><p>jaassa剛剛在論壇內留了言,他非常感動,有些話很令人動容,他真的是羅米的超級fans,以下冒昧的轉貼他寫給咱風暴xdjm的話.......</p><p></p><p><font color="#2b2bd5">Zulu + Sheepman + shenjingxixi + tyfo125 + 2449Joey + argoal : <br zg6sa="1"/>thanks to you all brothers your words made me happy...<br zg6sa="1"/><br zg6sa="1"/>and for the chinese mates!!! :<br zg6sa="1"/><br zg6sa="1"/>really i can't explain my feeling...i'm very happy because when i made all these comps a bout romy <strong>my goal was to show all football fans that there is a player who may not the best player in the world but i believe he is not below the best players</strong> . <br zg6sa="1"/>thanks you all for comming here and support me...<br zg6sa="1"/><br zg6sa="1"/>linden : your "sincere friend" i love this...thank u very much.<br zg6sa="1"/><br zg6sa="1"/>i said it before and i will say it now : " <strong>i will be with roman to the end</strong> " if someone has all these friends he can't stop give them what made them wait for the next comp <img alt="thumbsup.gif" src="" border="0" emoid=":thumbsup:" zg6sa="1" style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle;"/><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br zg6sa="1"/><br zg6sa="1"/>thank u all. <br zg6sa="1"/></font></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-17 0:46:57编辑过]

lynn821 发表于 2007-2-17 01:56:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>杜查</i>在2007-2-17 0:24:00的发言:</b><br/><font face="Verdana" color="#000000">在lynn821mm悉心指导下,任务终于艰巨完成。看到好多风暴xdjm的英文留言,忽然很是感动,像是很有意义的一次集体行动!再一次真诚的赞美楼主!(P:第一次是在心里面的~)</font></div><p></p><p>唉呀!!我好害羞呀!!!</p><p>大家的英文底子真強,我就得邊寫邊翻字典.....</p>

2449Joey 发表于 2007-2-17 13:59:00

<p>哈哈 偶也是滴,写个简单的英语句子都有点困难...</p><p>不过 人多力量大~ jaassa不放弃就是最大的喜讯了!</p><p>~谢谢lynn呀~</p>

lynn821 发表于 2007-2-17 16:12:00

<p>jaassa 想注冊風暴,怎麼辦呢?&nbsp; 原文如下</p><p><font color="#1a1ae6">really i were disapointed but now really i'm satisfied ... i don't think i deserve all your great words...<br zg6sa="0"/><br zg6sa="0"/><strong>i have tried to register in your forum but i faild.<br zg6sa="0"/><br zg6sa="0"/>the problem is that i don't know chinese <img alt="smile.gif" src="" border="0" emoid=":)" zg6sa="0" style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle;"/>
                                <br zg6sa="0"/><br zg6sa="0"/>so if you can register me it would be greatful...</strong><br zg6sa="0"/><br zg6sa="0"/>thanks again. <br zg6sa="0"/></font></p>

清忆 发表于 2007-2-17 16:21:00

Lynn,jaassa的意思是我们可以为他注册一个ID吧 ,我想最好就用jaassa,这样大家都知道,也可以交流。

lynn821 发表于 2007-2-17 16:28:00

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