蓝白生死恋 发表于 2006-11-13 12:27:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-13 12:27:01编辑过]

一夜知球 发表于 2006-11-13 15:03:00


累赘 发表于 2006-11-13 15:14:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-13 15:15:00编辑过]

累赘 发表于 2006-11-13 15:17:00


daijing107 发表于 2006-11-13 15:20:00


一夜知球 发表于 2006-11-13 15:24:00

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>累赘</i>在2006-11-13 15:17:00的发言:</b><br/>如果从火箭黑的角度来看,也能理解为火箭到现在为止还没有展现出赢下比分胶着的比赛的能力。。。</div><p></p>对灰熊的那场自始由终都是很胶着的

累赘 发表于 2006-11-13 15:49:00


kawatine 发表于 2006-11-13 16:03:00


累赘 发表于 2006-11-13 16:33:00

<p>手感可以慢慢找,特别是在球队整体状况很好的情况下,也有本钱让麦蒂去找手感,而且他也是个乐于传球的球员,只要他能在季后赛时找到以前的手感,这都不是什么大问题。。。刚才找到一组球队三分方面的数据:<font size="2">目前火箭三分球试射次数排名联盟第3。命中个数排名第2,而命中率排名第4</font></p><p><font size="2"></font></p>而这些数据是在麦蒂没有三分手感,novak没有获得什么出场机会的情况下取得的,所以,今年火箭的外线比去年确实是强太多了<br/>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-13 16:55:03编辑过]

蓝白生死恋 发表于 2006-11-13 16:46:00


趴趴熊 发表于 2006-11-13 17:37:00

<p><img alt="不是我不明白这世界变化快姚麦在一无所有中呐喊" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/up/2006-11-13/U687P6T64D25489F1091DT20061113144256.jpg" border="1"/></p><p><img src="http://my.freep.cn/R.asp?U=Imgmy1111/20061113/13/11971248.gif" border="0" alt=""/><br/><br/>&nbsp;</p><p><img src="http://my.freep.cn/R.asp?U=Imgmy1111/20061113/13/94240969.jpg" border="0" alt=""/></p><p></p>

蓝白生死恋 发表于 2006-11-13 17:40:00


kawatine 发表于 2006-11-14 14:56:00


一夜知球 发表于 2006-11-14 15:57:00


累赘 发表于 2006-11-14 17:13:00


累赘 发表于 2006-11-14 19:52:00


<span class="tpc_content"><font size="2">原作者:Zboy<br/>原文链接:</font><a href="http://bbs.clutchfans.net/showthread.php?t=120253" target="_blank" style="COLOR: #5c5c8a;"><font size="2">http://bbs.clutchfans.net/showthread.php?t=120253</font></a><br/><br/><font size="2">NBA也有许多阴暗面。鲍文的黑脚,马努和斯基之流司空见惯的假摔都让人抓狂。而明目张胆地无视奥胖的许多明显弱点,把他高高地供奉在上,则同样令人不齿。<br/><br/>但昨晚上,我睡了一个好觉。因为那一夜,正当的一方正大光明地赢得了一切。 <br/><br/>那一夜,当格莱格-安东尼和蒂姆-莱格勒——两个NBA史上最龙套的龙套——带着对奥胖和韦德义不容辞的崇敬热爱,开始评述火箭对热火的比赛后,是姚明占据了人们的视野。<br/><br/>那一夜,热火的卫冕冠军身份被大肆渲染,并被吹嘘为拥有两个联盟里最具统治力的球员。然而火箭在对方的主场,毫无争议地将他们彻底打垮。<br/><br/>那一夜,奥胖怒气冲冲地上场,试图回击麦蒂把姚明称为NBA第一中锋的宣言。但是最后他的表现只能证明这句话的完全正确。<br/><br/>那一夜,ESPN的专家们再三地把姚明87%的罚球命中率歪曲成78%,就像福克斯新闻老是把福里议员称为民主党人一样。但姚明以13罚12中的成绩予以了回击。<br/><br/>那一夜,格莱格-安东尼对姚明以中锋身份去执行技术犯规罚球表现得不屑一顾。但他却目睹了他的最爱小子奥胖,在罚球线上把铁打得当当直响。<br/><br/>那一夜,三位ESPN的专家在奥胖一次进攻后,充满敬畏地宣称“拥有如此的能量,或许你根本不用担心罚球的事儿”。而姚明(罚球)的表现却向着所有观看比赛的年轻人说:“不,你还是担心一下吧!”<br/><br/>那一夜,ESPN的那些所谓“分析员”对奥胖和韦德的爆发力啧啧称奇。而姚明,一个外国人,却给所有收看全国转播的美国年轻人展示了篮球基本功的重要性。<br/><br/>那一夜,当ESPN开始转播的时候,他们满以为姚明将被活活吃掉,并像政治评论员那般地对他进行喋喋不休的抨击。到了比赛后期,他们实在想不出什么可批评的实质性内容了,只好吹毛求疵地说他的进攻栏板数量不如韦德,而根本不顾当时姚已经抢到了10个栏板,到比赛结束一共是14个。<br/><br/>那一夜,奥尼尔的私生儿子迪克-比维塔对奥胖用肘子击打姚的头部,并在姚的手臂上留下了无数抓痕和伤疤熟视无睹,甚至当姚狠狠地在奥胖的名气和自负上刻下一道大大的伤疤之后,他也没敢吹一次技术犯规。<br/><br/>那一夜,裁判们不让姚明把双手放在奥尼尔身上哪怕一秒钟,却放纵莫宁用身体的每一寸部分来考察姚明。然而姚随意地得分,似乎当莫宁根本就不存在一样。<br/><br/>那一夜,裁判们为奥胖说情,允许他在姚明投篮时狠狠地打他的手腕,姚明就一次次当着奥胖的面后仰投篮,以此作为回答。<br/><br/>那一夜,奥胖可以在姚明抢到进攻栏板时,死死拽着他的手也不被吹犯规。对此的解释是姚明还没有站稳,甚至连那个栏板也给污蔑性地剥夺了。而姚明只是以他的表现为自己辩护。我想,以前看到的那些一气呵成抢下栏板,上篮并造成犯规的动作或许只是神话传说而已,又或许,它们只在电视转播中才是合法的吧?<br/><br/>那一夜,格莱格-安东尼宣称,姚明在奥胖头上的一次投篮成功只是侥幸而已。他马上就看到了姚明在进攻时间只剩1秒的时候,又一次在奥胖脸前跳投成功。<br/><br/>那一夜,格莱格-安东尼不停地评论说火箭得分如何困难,想以此证明自己是天才。他的热火队于是献给了他整整3节疲软无力的进攻表现,并且还附送了明镜似的对照:火箭队在决定性的第4节中大砍34分。按照他的思维演绎下去,当火箭队能够“容易”地得分的时候,不知将会有多可怕?<br/><br/>那一夜,奥胖试图向麦蒂证明他仍然是最强的中锋,比赛后韦德说:“我们都知道到底谁是联盟中的第一中锋。”<br/><br/>是啊韦德,我们读懂你的意思了!<br/><br/>注:<br/>格莱格-安东尼和蒂姆-莱格勒:ESPN评论员,前NBA球员。<br/>马克-福里:共和党众议院议员。不久前因为向少年发送含有挑逗内容的email和短信而下台。FOX新闻在报道他的辞职时把他称为民主党人,引起轩然大波。<br/>迪克-比维塔:NBA裁判长。<br/><br/>原文:<br/><br/>NBA Basketball has its dark sides. It is really depressing to think that dirty antics of Bowen and constant flopping by likes of Manu and Nowitzki get rewarded. It is equally disgusting to see Shaq being put on a pedestal despite his obvious shortcomings.<br/><br/>Last night, I had a good night sleep. Last night, the right side won for all the right reasons.<br/><br/>On a night when two All-time top NBA scrubs, Greg Anthony and Tim Legler, began the Houston Rockects vs. Miami Heat game broadcast with the obligatory Shaq and Wade love fest, Yao Ming took notice.<br/><br/>On a night when the Heat were presented as the reigning champions and with 2 of the most dominating players in the NBA, Rockets convincingly thrashed them on their own home court.<br/><br/>On a night when Shaquille O'Neal came out with a fury, in an attempt to disprove Tracy Mcgrady's proclamation that Yao Ming is the best center in the NBA, he only ended up proving him right.<br/><br/>On a night when the ESPN experts repeatedly presented Yao Ming's 87% Free throw shooting as 78%, much like Foley being presented as a Democrat on Fox News, he came up with a 12-13 Free throw performance.<br/><br/>On a night when Greg Anthony was not impressed with Yao, a center, taking the technical free throw, he saw his lover boy, O'Neal, brick Free throws after Not-so-Free throws.<br/><br/>On a night when the 3 ESPN experts exclaimed in awe after a Shaq move, "Maybe with all that power you dont need to worry about FTs", Yao's play on the court screamed to all the young ones watching the game, "Oh yes you do!"<br/><br/>On a night when the same ESPN "analysts" marveled at the explosiveness and power of Shaq and Wade, Yao Ming, a foreigner, displayed the importance of fundamentals to American youngsters watching the game on national TV.<br/><br/>On a night when ESPN began the game in anticipation of annihilation of Yao Ming, and excessive criticism of his game to look like pundits, by late game, due to lack of anything substantial, the criticisms had been reduced to his lack of offensive rebounding vs. Wade. Nevermind the fact that Yao already had 10 rebounds by then, and ended up with 14 total.<br/><br/>On a night when O'Neal's ill-begotten child, Dick Bevetta, let O'neal knock Yao on his head with his elbows, and leave massive scars and cuts on his arm, even he was unable to give out a technical to Yao for planting a massive scar on Shaq's reputation and ego.<br/><br/>On a night when the refs would not allow Yao to put two hands on O'Neal for even a second, but let every inch of Alonzo Mourning's body explore Yao, Yao scored on Alonzo as if he were not even there.<br/><br/>On a night when the refs decided to intercede on behalf of O'Neal, by letting him slap on Yao's wrist as Yao began his shooting motion, Yao responded by draining fadeways in is face.<br/><br/>On a night when O'Neal was allowed to hack on Yao's arms as he got the offensive rebound, with no foul called, with the explanation that he did not have his feet set, with the added insult of not being credited for the rebound, Yao decided to let his play speak for him. I guess the stories of players getting rebounds, attempting a layup all in one motion, while getting fouled was a myth. Or perhaps it was only legal on NBC.<br/><br/>On a night when Greg Anthony declared Yao's bank shot over Shaq a fluke, he got to see Yao drain another jumper right in O'Neal's mug as the shot clock ran down to 1 second.<br/><br/>On a night when Greg Anthony kept trying to come off as a genius saying how hard it is for Rockets to score, his Heat team presented him with 3 quarters of offensive futility on a silver platter, while the Rockets exploded for 34 points in the decisive quarter. Going along his thinking then, it would be downright scary when the offense comes "easy" to Rockets.<br/><br/>On a night when Shaq came out to let Tracy know he is still the best center, the outcome of the game left Wade saying, “We know who the best center in the league is.”<br/><br/>Yes Wade, we can read in between the lines!</font><br/><br/></span>

累赘 发表于 2006-11-14 19:57:00

<p><font size="2">那一夜,奥尼尔的私生儿子迪克-比维塔对奥胖用肘子击打姚的头部,并在姚的手臂上留下了无数抓痕和伤疤熟视无睹,甚至当姚狠狠地在奥胖的名气和自负上刻下一道大大的伤疤之后,他也没敢吹一次技术犯规。<br/></font></p><p><font size="2">-------------------------------------------------------</font></p><p><font size="2">这句话实在太搞了,哈哈。。。。。记得以前谁说过,奥胖经常会在场上吃到第五次犯规,但是,你永远等不来第六次~~~~</font></p>

累赘 发表于 2006-11-14 20:04:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-14 20:10:03编辑过]

阿根廷万岁! 发表于 2006-11-15 09:26:00


累赘 发表于 2006-11-15 09:58:00


幻梦冰翔 发表于 2006-11-15 10:36:00


蓝白生死恋 发表于 2006-11-15 10:41:00


蓝白生死恋 发表于 2006-11-15 11:21:00


kawatine 发表于 2006-11-15 11:33:00


蓝白生死恋 发表于 2006-11-15 11:55:00

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