yortega 发表于 2003-10-26 20:41:00

no news is good news


Ariel Ortega
Arrriieeelll Orrtteeggaa!!

So any news?

We had the long court case over Ariel, where both sides presented their argument blah blah..
They said the conclusion was to be announced soon, and it's been about a month

We could use that money to secure a few bosman's and cheap signings for next year..

Anyone with any news on it, or has everyone (other than me) forgotten about it?


otega_007 发表于 2003-10-29 14:52:00

whereisthe goodnews for him ???

Oh!My God,Plese open your eyes!!!

Lookatyour son ----Ortega!!!

dulang1982 发表于 2003-10-29 17:22:00

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